Gengma: “Tea Industry Easy Loan” Injects Financial Support into the “One Piece” Construction

To solve the “four haves and four lacks” problem faced by some farmers, merchants, enterprises, and officials who have the drive but no means, ideas but no funds, needs but no collateral, and products but no sales channels, since April this year, the Gengma Dai and Wa Autonomous County Committee of Lincang City and Gengma Rural Credit Cooperative have jointly introduced the “Tea Industry Easy Loan” policy. This policy provides loans of up to 5 million RMB, for a five-year term, at low interest rates, without collateral, and with revolving use, for tea farmers, merchants, and enterprises within their jurisdiction, as well as village officials. So far, a total of 23.37 million RMB has been loaned to 96 households under the “Tea Industry Easy Loan” scheme.


Lincang City's Gengma County has a long history of tea cultivation, with a current area of 126,000 mu (approximately 84 square kilometers) planted with tea, supporting 75,000 tea farmers. This year, Gengma County actively integrated itself into the construction of the “Party Building Leading Bingdao Xigui Mangfei Tea Industry Demonstration Area,” exploring a model of “Party building + finance + tea industry.” In collaboration with the Gengma Rural Credit Cooperative, they introduced the “Tea Industry Easy Loan” policy, using financial support to precisely nurture Gengma's tea industry, turning small leaves into a major industry that enriches farmers and invigorates villages.

In Gengma, stories of leveraging the “Tea Industry Easy Loan” policy to build strong tea brands, improve the tea industry, and expand the tea economy are continuously unfolding. Li Guangxian, the Party branch secretary of Xinlian Village in Manghong Ethnic Township, fully plays the role of a “lead goose,” taking out a loan of 500,000 RMB to meticulously package the “Tusi Tea” and broaden its sales channels. Zhang Shiqiao, the head of Mangla Group in Jingling Village, Mengsa Town, took out a loan of 500,000 RMB to uniformly plan and manage his own 80-mu tea garden, transforming “tea mountains” into “gold mines”…


After summer rains, walking into the organic tea garden in Jingling Village, Mengsa Town, Gengma Autonomous County, one is greeted by a sea of green waves and the aroma of tea. The garden's manager, Kui, explained that to take care of his elderly parents and young children at home, he and his wife returned to their hometown to start a tea business at the beginning of this year. They now manage over 100 mu of tea gardens.

Zhong Kui and his wife did not have an easy path to entrepreneurship. At the start of their venture, a shortage of funds troubled the couple. Just when things seemed most urgent, the village Party secretary, Shen Xuefu, brought them news of the “Tea Industry Easy Loan” offered by the Gengma Rural Credit Cooperative for the tea industry. As a young entrepreneur returning to his hometown, Zhong Kui applied immediately and became one of the first “new tea farmers” to receive a loan. He used the 1.9 million RMB loan to build a new facility, manage his family's tea garden, and purchase fresh tea leaves… Their confidence in entrepreneurship grew stronger.


“Currently, our Yunsong Tea Processing Facility is purchasing and producing summer tea, focusing on creating the Zimei tea brand. Based on market prices this year, our net income this year is expected to reach more than 5 million RMB, achieving both earnings and family care!” Speaking about the changes brought about by the “Tea Industry Easy Loan,” Zhong Kui had a big smile on his face.

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