Enshi Procuratorate Conducts Special Research on Tea Industry Development under the “Procuratorial Protection for Enterprises” Initiative in He Feng County

In order to carry out the “Procuratorial Protection for Enterprises” special work solidly and promote the optimization of a legal business environment, on August 9th, Jianping, a dedicated member of the Procuratorial Committee of the Prefecture People's Procuratorate, conducted special research on industry development under the “Procuratorial Protection for Enterprises” initiative at He Feng County's Kai Rong Industrial Development Co., Ltd. Procuratorial “Protection for Enterprises” specialists from the Enshi Prefecture People's Procuratorate, as well as those from Xianfeng County, Lai Feng County, and He Feng County, participated in the research, with people's supervisors also invited to join.

Enshi Procuratorate Conducts Special Research on Tea Industry Development under the Enshi Procuratorate Conducts Special Research on Tea Industry Development under the

“Kai Rong Company was established in October 2019 and is the largest investment enterprise in He Feng County for tea entering Hubei Province, as part of the county's key investment promotion efforts. Its products are primarily sold in North Africa, West Africa, Western Europe, and other regions. It is the largest tea company in Hubei Province, exporting over 6,600 tons of tea in 2023, generating foreign exchange earnings of $32 million. It ranks among the top in the province, and it is expected that in 2024, foreign exchange earnings from exports could reach $50 million.”

During the research, Xu Jianping and his team visited various areas of Kai Rong Company, including the exhibition hall, production workshops, and packaging areas. They also consulted with corporate leaders about the company's main products, production and processing, market expansion, and foreign exchange earnings from exports.

Enshi Procuratorate Conducts Special Research on Tea Industry Development under the

During the subsequent symposium, corporate representatives introduced the difficulties and problems faced during their operations, management, and development, and suggested that the procuratorial organs increase legal education and intellectual property protection within enterprises.

“We hope that the procuratorial organs will conduct more in-depth visits and research into enterprises to identify common issues faced during the operation and development of enterprises. We hope they can provide more legal consulting services to help enterprises operate legally and in compliance, while also strengthening the protection of legitimate rights and interests of enterprises,” the people's supervisor advised the procuratorial organs.

Enshi Procuratorate Conducts Special Research on Tea Industry Development under the

Xu Jianping stated that the procuratorial organs of Enshi Prefecture will thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee, further strengthen legal supervision work by the procuratorial organs, give full play to the functions of procuratorial organs, carry out the “Procuratorial Protection for Enterprises” special work solidly, accurately identify the starting points and focus points for procuratorial duties to serve local economic development, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises, serve the healthy development of enterprises, and truly provide better procuratorial products for the operation and development of enterprises.

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