Unbeknownst to Many | Tea, Capable of Tackling Numerous Troublesome Diseases

 “All medicines are for specific ailments, tea is the remedy for myriad diseases.” For a long time, tea has had medicinal and health-preserving properties. Nowadays, the of tea have gained increased attention, with more and more research being conducted on its therapeutic and health-preserving effects. What exactly can tea prevent or combat?

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Cancer Prevention

More than four thousand authoritative papers on the topic of “tea and cancer” demonstrate that the main component of tea polyphenols, EGCG, is virtually the nemesis of all cancers, particularly effective against uterine, skin, lung, colon, prostate, liver, kidney, and breast cancers.

The scientific researchers at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention found that various types of tea inhibit the synthesis of cancer cells by an average rate of 65%, indicating their anti-cancer properties.

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Regular consumption of reduces the risk of cancer by over 60%

Data from studies conducted by institutions such as Japan's National Cancer Center, Case Western Reserve University in the United States, and Curtin University in Australia indicate that men who regularly drink green tea have a 60% lower incidence of prostate cancer compared to those who do not drink it regularly.

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Drinking two cups of tea daily decreases the risk of ovarian cancer by 46%

Researchers from Sweden's Karolinska Institute analyzed data from 61,057 women aged 40 to 76 (of which 301 were diagnosed with ovarian cancer). Compared to women who did not drink tea or rarely did so, those who drank less than one cup per day had an 18% lower risk of ovarian cancer, while those who drank one to two cups per day had a 24% lower risk. Women who drank more than two cups of tea daily had a 46% lower risk of developing ovarian cancer; the more tea consumed, the lower the risk.

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Regular consumption of reduces the risk of Parkinson's disease by 71%

After tracking 63,257 Chinese individuals aged 45 to 75 for 12 years, researchers at the National University of Singapore discovered that elderly individuals who frequently drank black tea had a 71% lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease compared to those without a regular tea-drinking habit.

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Drinking ten small cups of tea daily reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by 42%

Epidemiological studies in Japan show that compared to individuals who drink fewer than three cups of tea daily (with each cup containing 30 ml), those who drink ten small cups of tea daily have a 42% reduced risk of cardiovascular disease in men and an 18% reduction in women.

Medical researchers in China once found that patients with heart disease who drank four cups of black tea daily saw their blood vessel dilation increase from 6% to 10%.

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71.4% of cataract patients do not have a tea-drinking habit

Among cataract patients, 28.6% have a tea-drinking habit, while 71.4% do not.

82% of diabetes patients show significant symptom improvement after continuous tea consumption

Researchers at Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University in Japan found that among 1,300 diabetic patients made with cold water for six months, 82% experienced a noticeable improvement in symptoms, and approximately 9% returned to normal blood sugar levels.

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EGCG effectively halts HIV virus transmission

In a report published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, British and American scientists stated that the polyphenol compound EGCG in tea can effectively prevent the HIV virus from spreading within the human body. Once immunized, the HIV virus will have no chance to approach.

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Tea polyphenols kill 10,000 highly toxic E. coli bacteria

A medical research team at Japan's Showa University placed 10,000 highly toxic E. coli O-157 bacteria into a solution of tea polyphenols diluted to one-twentieth the concentration of regular tea. After five hours, all the bacteria had died, not a single one survived. Highly effective germicidal properties protect the digestive system!

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Black tea can kill cold viruses

When the concentration of black tea reaches 5%, it can completely eliminate cold viruses. The concentration of black tea we typically consume ranges between 2% and 5%. Japanese researchers have proven through experiments that even when diluted to five times less than the usual drinking concentration, black tea can still render 99.999% of flu viruses inactive. Daily mouth rinsing with black tea can help prevent colds and influenza.

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In addition to disease prevention, tea's health benefits also manifest in beautification, whitening, and strengthening the body.

Antioxidant: One cup of tea = 12 bottles of white wine

Antioxidant tests have confirmed that one 300 ml cup of tea has antioxidant properties equivalent to one and a half bottles of red wine, 12 bottles of white wine, 12 cups of beer, four apples, five onions, and seven cups of fresh juice. The more tea you drink, the more beautiful you become!

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Anti-Aging: 18 times stronger than vitamin E

According to experimental results verified by Japanese scientific researchers, the anti-aging effects of tea polyphenols are 18 times stronger than those of vitamin E. Drinking tea can slow down the aging process.

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Weight Loss: Drinking 8-10 grams of tea daily results in a fat loss of about 3 pounds

No need for any dieting or exercise measures; simply drinking 8-10 grams of tea daily can result in a weight loss of approximately 3 pounds due to the intrinsic effects of tea alone over a period of 12 weeks.

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Boost Immunity

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