Drink Your Tea This Way at Night for a Sound Sleep!

Nighttime tasting is indeed a delightful affair, but those who have just started drinking tea may find it causes insomnia, which makes them hesitant to enjoy tea in the evening. However, there are ways to tea at night without causing sleeplessness. If these methods don't work at first, try them a few more times.

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People often say that drinking tea can cause insomnia, which is due to the caffeine content in tea. Caffeine is a double-edged sword: it can keep you alert and energetic, making it difficult to fall asleep when it's time to rest, thus leading to insomnia. However, it's not accurate to generalize about the effects of drinking tea on sleep.

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Firstly, we need to understand that the reason tea can keep you awake is its caffeine content, which is what stimulates your nervous system. The higher the caffeine content, the more stimulating the effect. The amount of caffeine in tea leaves depends on many factors, such as variety, growing conditions, harvesting season, picking standards, and processing methods.

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The caffeine in tea leaves is relatively stable and does not significantly decrease during the fermentation process. Many people feel that has a higher caffeine content because the polyphenols in green tea are not oxidized, leaving the caffeine in a free state. After fermentation, polyphenols encapsulate caffeine, reducing the stimulation to the digestive system, although the caffeine content remains unchanged.

Tips for Drinking Tea at Night

1. Drink lighter teas to reduce caffeine intake.

2. Choose teas with a sweet taste. They contain more theanine, which scientific research has shown to be more conducive to sleep than sleeping pills, and they have no side effects.

3. Opt for teas with a higher degree of fermentation.

Many types of tea meet these criteria. For example, dark tea (Pu'er), aged , especially those made from coarser, older leaves like Gongmei and Shoumei, and fully fermented , which retains a lot of theaflavins and is warming and soothing, with a good amount of theanine and a smooth, sweet flavor.

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Additionally, one's tolerance to caffeine varies based on habits and constitution. Some people can drink tea all day long without experiencing insomnia, while others may experience symptoms like palpitations, dizziness, and weakness in their limbs (a condition known as “tea drunkenness”) if they suddenly consume large amounts of tea or drink it on an empty stomach. As for caffeine tolerance, it increases with frequency and dosage over time.

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