The Water for Brewing Tea Also Has an Expiration Date, Use with Caution

 There's a saying: good water brews good . To a pot of good tea, one cannot do without good water, illustrating how crucial the quality of water is for tea . Many people are unaware that boiled water used for brewing tea actually has an expiration date. Using water beyond its expiration date to brew tea can not only affect the taste of the tea but also impact health.

The Water for Brewing Tea Also Has an Expiration Date, Use with Caution-1

The Lifespan of a Glass of Water is Up to 16 Hours

The shelf life of boiled water in the air is only 16 hours; expired water may contain significantly high levels of E. coli! For healthy individuals, drinking water with bacterial overgrowth over long periods can have a subtle effect on the body, and the longer this continues, the more apparent the impact on health becomes.

The Water for Brewing Tea Also Has an Expiration Date, Use with Caution-2

According to Water Quality Experts, Drinking Stale Water Continuously Is Like Continuously Consuming Food with Additives. If you don't pay attention to the details of drinking water daily, your body's healthy environment can be gradually damaged, potentially leading to poorer health.

So when you experience fatigue or a weakened immune system, while paying attention to food hygiene, also check if your drinking habits are correct. Don't let your health be eroded by a of water every day.

The Water for Brewing Tea Also Has an Expiration Date, Use with Caution-3

Water – Boil for Three Minutes for Optimal Health

Almost everyone believes that drinking water obtained from safe sources poses no health risks because it is clean and doesn't spoil. However, if you overlook the details of drinking water, even the cleanest water can still deteriorate and quietly harm your health.

To understand how water spoils, we must first consider its source. The water people typically comes in two forms: bottled purified water and boiled tap water at home.

Qualified purified water is strictly processed according to national safety drinking water standards. As long as the transportation process is done well, all indicators will meet the standards. When boiling tap water at home, few people know that after the water boils, it should be boiled for an additional three minutes to remove chlorinated compounds. After boiling for three minutes, turn off the heat because prolonged boiling can increase the amount of nitrite in the water, which is not beneficial for healthy consumption.

The Water for Brewing Tea Also Has an Expiration Date, Use with Caution-4

Whether it is boiled water used for brewing tea or plain boiled water for drinking, if left exposed to air for too long, for the sake of health, it is advisable to avoid drinking it.

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