After drinking white tea for so long, which tea tree species produces the best-tasting white tea?

Over several hundred years, the family of tree species has seen the addition of many new members. Do you know which species your white tea comes from?

Theoretically, fresh leaves from any tea tree can be processed into different types of tea using various techniques. However, due to differences in species, some are better suited for specific types of tea. Traditional white tea requires a tea tree with abundant downy hairs, prominent white hairs, and high amino acid content. White tea made from such trees is covered in white hairs, with a pronounced hairy aroma and a fresh, refreshing taste.

In the beginning, white tea was made from the fresh leaves of vegetable tea. Later, the range of tea tree species expanded, and varieties like Fuding Dahao, Fuding Dahao, Zhenghe Dahao, and Narcissus gradually entered the scene.

Superior National Cultivars

Superior National Cultivars

The most well-known are Hua Cha No. 1 (Fuding Dahao) and Hua Cha No. 2 (Fuding Dahao). These two species can be considered the two leading members of the white tea family, strong and at the peak of their popularity.

Fuding Dahao is also known locally as “white-haired tea.” It originated in Baiqiu Village, Nodding Town, Fuding. It is clonal, a small semi-arbor type, intermediate leaf category, early variety, diploid, and has over 100 years of cultivation history. In 1985, it was recognized by the National Crop Variety Approval Committee, designated as Hua Cha No. 1.

Fuding Dahao originated in Wangjiayang Village, Nodding Town. It is clonal, a small semi-arbor type, large leaf category, early variety, diploid, and also has over 100 years of cultivation history. It was designated as Hua Cha No. 2 in 1985.

Fuding Dahao and Fuding Dahao are the primary raw materials for making Fuding white tea. Both are national cultivars with high comprehensive quality, suitable for various types of tea, and widely planted in tea areas across the country.

Fuding white tea on the market today is mostly made from these two species, with Hua Cha No. 2 being the most common. Relatively speaking, Hua Cha No. 1 is becoming increasingly rare due to its light leaves and low yield.

In addition to being suitable for white tea, Fuding Dahao is also suitable for , , jasmine tea, and other types of tea.

Ancient Group Varieties

Ancient Group Varieties

In addition to Hua Cha No. 1 and Hua Cha No. 2, there is another retired member of the white tea tree species family: Fuding Xiaocaita.

“Xiaocaita” refers to the native tea tree group variety in Fuding. The plants are small, belonging to the intermediate and small leaf categories. The leaves are mostly long oval, with thick flesh. Spring tea production is slightly delayed, and there are fewer downy buds, which are green or light green. Its history spans over 1,000 years. As it was commonly grown around houses like vegetables, it became known as “vegetable tea.”

Fuding Dahao and Fuding Dahao were selected and cultivated based on Xiaocaita.

Nowadays in Fuding, Dahao and Dahao tea trees are widely planted. Due to their lower yields, the original Xiaocaita varieties have been gradually replaced by “Dahao tea” and are becoming increasingly rare.

Niche Local Varieties

Niche Local Varieties

There are two cute lesser-known members of the white tea tree species family: Gole Tea and Fujun No. 6.

Gole Tea originates from Baiqiu Village, Nodding Town, and was single-plant selected and cultivated by the Fuding City Tea Industry Bureau from the sexual population of Fuding Dahao.

Fujun No. 6 was selected and cultivated from the natural hybrid offspring of Fuding Dahao and Yunnan Dahao by the Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Tea Research Institute.

Gole Tea and Fujun No. 6 are primarily used for producing green tea and black tea, with less white tea produced. However, the white tea made from them has a slender shape, good color, prominent white hairs, sweet and refreshing taste, but slightly inferior aroma. These two species have diverse uses and strong adaptability, and are quite active members of the white tea family.

Fu'an Dahao and Zhenghe Dahao

Fu'an Dahao and Zhenghe Dahao

Fu'an Dahao originated in Kangcuo Township, Fu'an City, Fujian Province, and was recognized as a national cultivar by the National Crop Variety Approval Committee in 1985. The white tea made from Fu'an Dahao has a slightly darker color, but plump buds and a fresh, sweet taste. It is also widely used for making black tea and green tea.

Zhenghe Dahao originated in Gicangtou Mountain, Tieshan Township, Zhenghe County, Nanping City, Fujian Province. It was recognized as a national cultivar by the National Crop Variety Approval Committee in 1985.

The white tea made from Zhenghe Dahao has a deeper color, plump buds, clear aroma, and thick broth. However, with the promotion of Fuding Dahao and Fuding Dahao, the planting area of Zhenghe Dahao has decreased. In addition to white tea, Zhenghe Dahao is also widely used to make black tea, green tea, and jasmine tea.

Narcissus Tea

Narcissus Tea

Narcissus tea, also known as Wuyi Narcissus, was recognized as a national cultivar by the National Crop Variety Approval Committee in 1985.

Narcissus is planted in southern and northern Fujian, mainly distributed in Jian'ou, Jianyang, Wuyishan, Yongchun, Zhangping, and other places.

Narcissus is generally used to make Bai Mudan, Gongmei, and other teas, with a sweet, refreshing, and full-bodied taste, and a clear floral or fruity aroma. However, Narcissus is best suited for making tea, such as Zhangping Narcissus from Fujian, which is a representative tea.

“Moonlight White”

Moonlight White

Jinggu Dahao is produced in Dacun Yangta, Minle Township, Jinggu County, Yunnan Province, China. Its characteristics include excellent tea tree variety, buds and leaves covered in downy hairs, plump and solid finished tea. It has prominent white hairs, -white strands, a fragrant aroma, clear broth, a mellow and sweet aftertaste, and is durable when brewed.

Yunnan Jinggu has a long history of using Jinggu Dahao to produce white tea. The white tea they make is called “Moonlight White,” which is extremely distinctive, with a rich hairy honey aroma. Some develop a plum-like flavor after storage.

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