The quality of Zhengshan XiaoZhong is particularly excellent. Its overall quality characteristics are divided into four categories:
1. Leaf Tea: A type of traditional broken Black Tea, with tight and uniform strips, a lustrous dark color, an aromatic fragrance, a bright red Infusion, a rich Taste, and a red and bright leaf base with many tender stems.
2. Broken Tea: With heavy and uniform granules in appearance, a lustrous dark or brownish color, a fragrant aroma, a bright red infusion, a strong, fresh, and refreshing taste, and a uniformly red leaf base.
3. Shredded Tea: Entirely in the form of ear-shaped shreds or wrinkled angular pieces, with a dark brown color, a relatively pure aroma, a somewhat red infusion, a somewhat strong and slightly Astringent taste, and a uniformly red leaf base.
4. Cai Tea: One of the earliest varieties in Wuyi Mountain. Its bushes are very small, and its branches are relatively thin. It is a variety propagated sexually through seeds. It has abundant flowers and seeds, suitable for sowing.