Brew Tea with Heart, for Someone to Share It With

Unswayed by the allure of the mundane world, one seeks only simplicity and richness within, performing tasks with a tranquil heart. The tea remains the same, but the temperature of the and the time vary, resulting in different flavors and textures with each .

Brew tea with heart, letting it warm you from your teeth down to your , permeating your entire being. Savor it quietly, reflecting slowly.

Tea has memory, recording the passage of time in its tightly bound leaves. Encountering a good tea is like meeting someone who catches your eye—it requires a fortunate coincidence, and then you pray for perfect timing, neither too early nor too late.

Nothing remains constant. Life is always marked by gains and losses, and even the most wonderful things cannot be held onto forever. Even the most painful experiences eventually fade into the past.

Brew Tea with Heart, for Someone to Share It With-1

All experiences are a form of cultivation. Looking back from a distance, we find that they have made us stronger and more clear-minded. When people come together or part ways, it is due to the ebb and flow of fate. Do not cling to sorrow or joy, do not mourn the past or crave the future. Live each day with a peaceful heart, contentedly.

At least once in your life, there should be someone for whom you forget yourself, without expecting anything in return—not even their company, possession, or love. You simply hope to meet them in the prime of your life.

As long as the other person is well, you are willing to be just a passerby. A brief encounter can be more meaningful than countless other moments. Others may not understand, but as long as the other person does, you are content.

No one appears in your life by chance. Everyone's presence serves a purpose and deserves gratitude. Let everything happen naturally—spend more time with those whose connection runs deep, and let go of those whose bond is shallow.

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The more you can let go of the need to control outcomes and relationships, the less pain you will experience. Because you let go, you are happy; because you remain detached, you are content. Do not force what should not be, whether in relationships or life.

A thought can bring about blossoms, another can cause them to wither. In this vast world, even the deepest memories can fade, and the most beautiful flowers wilt. Even mountains and rivers will one day cease to exist, let alone human .

There is a saying: “In the next life, whether in love or not, we will not meet again.” Some accept this and learn to cherish every encounter. Others believe in love beyond this life and continue searching.

Certain truths are suddenly understood, but understanding requires time. Before you grasp certain truths and meet certain people, cherish everyone around you as you would cherish yourself, knowing that you will inevitably face partings.

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After gaining clarity, one realizes how precious everything was, but some things, once gone, never return.

May everyone find their own special cup of tea and someone to share it with. I am willing to wait with sincerity for someone to brew tea for me, to chat and exchange thoughts freely.

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