Enjoy the Present Moment Alone, Releasing Yourself in Tea with Full Focus

As human beings, we are higher animals who need to live positively. We realize our values through dedicated work.

In the process of achieving self-worth, there will inevitably be periods of confusion, as if we've shifted into “neutral”; at such times, no amount of acceleration will get us moving again.

This is something everyone encounters. Although it may seem like a bad thing, it's actually beneficial, especially for those who can quickly recover by adjusting themselves.

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In such a state, how do you adjust yourself? Some people need to travel to clear their minds; others find solace in quiet reading; some require intense exercise to vent; and still, others can heal themselves simply by indulging in shopping…

There's actually another excellent method for self-adjustment: closing your to quietly enjoy . In an extremely peaceful space, you can easily break through your own “bottleneck”.

Sit cross-legged, gaze out the window, bask slowly in the sunshine, sip a delicate tea, close your eyes slightly, feel the aroma of the tea swirling in the air, let your thoughts fly freely without restraint.

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In such a personal space, savor the tea's fragrance repeatedly. You can imagine its source, visualize the growth of plants, recall the joy of childhood, or envision the bliss of old age, free from distractions (free from trivial worries). Everything will soon become clear.

Cooling down a fevered mind is the best way to repair oneself. When tired, needing rest, everyone should give it a try.

In the moment of alone, what's rare is the leisure, the ability to discard distractions, and the clarity of mind. Focusing on releasing yourself is also a form of shifting attention, which can accumulate more positive energy.

Enjoying such a present moment is a simple yet very meaningful act.

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