In the Time of Tea, Listen to the Song of Life and Savor the Tranquility of Years

leaves gently unfurl, settling into the porcelain , and in an instant, the world within the cup comes alive.

Each leaf carries the breath of the mountains and the nourishment of dew, slowly unfolding in the as if narrating a poetic chapter of life.

And I wish to become that listening ear, savoring not just its taste but also its sound—the gentle stream of water from the pot, whispers of nature, and the hymn of life.

As the ancients said: “Water has three stages of boiling.” Each stage is a natural symphony. At the first boil, fine bubbles resemble fish eyes, with a soft rustling like the wind through the forest; at the second boil, the water sounds grow clearer, like a clear spring flowing over stones, which is the perfect time for tea; by the third boil, it roars like the surge of rivers and seas, stirring the heart and soul, almost as if one can hear the resonance of their own heartbeat.

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On rainy days, sipping tea adds another layer of ambiance. The pitter-patter of rain outside intertwines with the gurgling of water in the pot, creating a soothing melody. Steam fills the room, dispelling all chill, leaving only warmth and tranquility behind.

I empty my mind, letting my thoughts drift along with the fragrance of tea, contemplating the philosophy of “sound in stillness, stillness in motion,” and experiencing the most authentic form of life.

Pouring water over the tea is both an art and a dialogue of the soul. With a gentle lift of the wrist, the water flows like silk, sometimes fast, sometimes slow, high or low, each touch evoking a different echo.

The tea leaves dance in the water, singing an ode to life and paying tribute to nature. And I am the witness to this beautiful moment, feeling it with my heart and hearing it with my ears.

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When serving tea, I usually prepare three cups, even when drinking alone, to give myself a sense of ceremony. Seven parts full, leaving three parts empty, much like life, it need not be too perfect.

I listen intently to the sound of pouring tea, as if I could hear another version of myself breathing freely and laughing joyfully in the aroma of tea.

This experience makes me cherish the present more and walk more resolutely on the path to finding myself.

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From to listening to it, I gradually understand the essence of life.

Tea nourishes not only the body but also the soul. It teaches me to listen, to focus, and to find a place of peace that belongs to me amidst the noise of the world.

May you and I find our own song of life in the world of tea, allowing our souls to truly experience freedom and release.

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