A Whiff of Tea Scent Colors the Passing Years, Soft Words Leave Aroma in Time

Since I started drinking tea, I've developed a kind of dependence on it. It's like an addiction that I can't let go of. The word “addiction” generally leaves a bad impression, as in alcohol addiction, addiction, or internet addiction.

I love tea, and each person may have their own specific reasons for doing so: the lightness of the tea, its sweetness, its bitterness, its gentleness, or its aftertaste…

In the hearts of tea lovers, tea is more than just tea; it's akin to the multifaceted nature of life, depicting different states for different people.

Our connection with tea is inexplicable. Among thousands of varieties, those who love tea will have their preferences, but this affection and understanding of tea come from within.

A Whiff of Tea Scent Colors the Passing Years, Soft Words Leave Aroma in Time-1

Cherish a fine cup of tea, waiting for a kindred spirit.

Whenever someone talks about a good cup of tea, my eyes light up, and I don't miss any opportunity to taste it. In the eyes of tea enthusiasts, every type of tea has its supreme quality, and which one you prefer depends on personal taste and the mood at the moment of tasting. Different teas bring different feelings and understandings at different times.

The love for tea leads to an obsession with it. Encountering a great tea brings great joy, while missing out on a good tea can leave one feeling down.

I have my favorite teas and am always exploring various types.

When I come across a good tea, I keep it, waiting for the right moment, much like waiting for that special person. Then, I a pot, sharing the aroma and discussing the qualities of the tea together.

A Whiff of Tea Scent Colors the Passing Years, Soft Words Leave Aroma in Time-2

The longer one savors tea, the better one's mindset becomes, and the fragrance grows richer.

The longer one tea, the deeper one's understanding of tea and life becomes. Is there really such a thing as good or bad tea? Or are some teas prepared coarsely in large teapots, some brewed in a refined manner in small kettles, and others steeped in precious … Regardless of the environment, those who love tea will savor tea in different settings and experience the diverse postures of the tea world.

Upon reflection, tea itself doesn't have a good or bad status.

As I drink, I gradually realize that the truly good tea isn't in our homes, but rather in our hearts and senses. Drinking tea with a soulmate and chatting about the trivialities of life is the real beauty of enjoying tea in peace.

Warm a pot of clear tea, and let your thoughts wander with the faint scent. Indeed, a pot of clear tea can be intoxicating. “Life is like three cups of tea: the first, bitter as life; the second, sweet as love; the third, light as a breeze.”

The ups and downs of life are like the serene state of mind one experiences when sipping tea: pick up, put down. Time passes like the wind, and past events are ultimately placed in the tranquility of the heart.

Immerse your heart in the tea of the passing years, and the sweet taste of drinking through the bitterness becomes apparent. If your heart is filled with greenery, spring is never far away.

A Whiff of Tea Scent Colors the Passing Years, Soft Words Leave Aroma in Time-3

Shake off the dust of your journey, and during the time of a cup of tea, interpret the joys and sorrows of the past, learning the meaning of letting go. Life mostly involves the rebirth after heart-wrenching moments, and only after enduring pain can one achieve true inner calm. Life is full of such ups and downs.

A whiff of tea scent colors the passing years. Who knew that its buds were once soaked in tears of struggle. After the tea passes through the lungs, a warmth suddenly wells up from the depths of the heart. The intense passion of the past, the unforgettable memories…

In a cup of clear , the purity and sweetness of the tea awakens, and the lingering fragrance and anticipation never fade away.

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