A Small Courtyard, Brewing Tea by the Stove

In life, there are ups and downs, and storms follow, but what we seek is nothing more than inner peace and tranquility.

A small courtyard home lacks the complexity of gongs, drums, and fine dining, but it has the simplicity of a meal. It does not boast of grand halls, yet it offers the joy of having a humble abode and courtyard.

Sunlight through a in clear weather, a painting under the rain; not thinking about the future nor dwelling on the past, but being present and cherishing the moment.

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In this small courtyard, objects create a serene landscape: a pond as a stream to linger by, a rock as a mountain to gaze upon from afar, and flowers and grass as fields to roam one's eyes over.

All year round, it provides a temporary escape from the world. In this courtyard, one can bask in the morning sun and bathe in the evening moonlight, accompanied by books and tea, amidst the company of fish and birds.

Hiding away here, focusing on oneself, watching the sunlight filter through branches and dance on the water. Resting in this courtyard, reading and , living a simple and comfortable life.

Planting flowers and trees in the courtyard, standing amid the rustling pines, feeling as if in a world apart, the heart is filled with great peace.

Sitting idly in the courtyard, imagining the past and present, contemplating how Tao Qian loved chrysanthemums, Lin Bu tended to plum blossoms, and Su Dongpo irrigated , adding an element of leisurely pleasure.

Light clouds and drizzle, gravel and pebbles, simple pleasures, coarse tea in a bowl, the harmonious sounds of insects and birds, all making one feel refreshed and clear-minded, with a sense of purity enveloping the heart.

Cats frolicking, yellow birds singing, cattails dripping with dew, vines thriving, leaves lush, branches ancient and unique.

Drinking tea that suits your taste, enjoying the breeze passing through the hall, the comfort and delight are like precious pearls and gems, best kept private and not shared with others.

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After a long night's sleep, stoking the stove and tea, the room neither too hot nor too cold, comfortable and at ease. The sound of boiling water, like the rush of pine winds, the tea smoke rising and dissipating in the gentle breeze.

With clear wind and bright moon, capturing a fleeting glimpse, a hanging scroll, two calligraphy pieces, a few simple and elegant tea utensils, the humble dwelling is full of myriad atmospheres.

Time slows down, sitting quietly in the tea room, free from physical labor, not burdened by material possessions, unencumbered by worldly affairs, the mind wanders beyond the mundane.

With clear wind and bright moon, capturing a fleeting glimpse, even a moment of composure is composure, even a brief elegance is elegance, living cleanly and gently, most suitable for the rhythms of nature and life.

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A solitary person's tea room is both lonely and quiet, lively and abundant, enjoying a moment of seclusion and tranquility, while also immersing in personal prosperity.

Burning incense in a small house, planting flowers in an elegant courtyard, playing the zither and reading books, waiting by the window for the moon, in this little corner of the world, there is the nourishment of daily life.

The noise of the outside world unheard, the complexities of the secular life far removed, the large houses in the city cannot compare to this humble courtyard.

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