The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.

During the War of Resistance against Japan, the central region was occupied.

This period of history is a heavy topic for our nation,

but for , it did indeed receive more attention during that time,

with a high density of intellectuals and skilled craftsmen coming to Yunnan,

leaving behind many legacies.

And is among these legacies,

a very brilliant gem.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-1

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-2

Father of Dianhong – Feng Shaoqiu

Feng Shaoqiu is known as the father of Dianhong. Those of us who have truly studied and delved into appreciation have a different feeling about Feng Shaoqiu. He was a true master.

Among the tea makers of his generation, in terms of how to shape the quality of fresh leaves and varieties, and the precise and delicate handling of tea, Feng Shaoqiu was the top person. His combination of theory and practice, his integration of knowledge and action, was at a very high level.

Of course, this might be a subjective expression, so let's talk about an objective standard.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-3

△Feng Shaoqiu, image source from the Internet

When Feng Shaoqiu later went to Shanghai to conduct export inspections, he had a nickname – “Feng Nose.” Because with a sniff of a tea, he could judge whether its processing met standards and its quality was up to par through subtle olfactory cues.

The achievements of the father of Dianhong are not elaborated here. He wrote an article called “A Brief History of Dianhong,” which I will reinterpret from my perspective when I have the time, discussing what it contains and which details are worth further exploration.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-4

△Portrait of Feng Shaoqiu, image source from the Internet

Second Generation – Chenzhong

Feng Shaoqiu's apprentice, Zhao Chenzhong,

the second-generation tea maker,

was also a skilled tea maker and an expert evaluator.

Although Feng Shaoqiu made significant contributions,

he did not spend much time in Fengqing.

The main work was done by Zhao Chenzhong.

Although Zhao Chenzhong is not as well-known as Feng Shaoqiu,

his skills were excellently inherited, there is no doubt about that.

Because the specific teas of Dianhong were made by him.

The early antique-like samples we can encounter today

were actually all made by Zhao Chenzhong's hands.

He is also a very important figure in the history of Dianhong.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-5

△Dianhong Standard Sample, image source from the Internet

Third Generation – Yang Zhongyuan

Zhao Chenzhong had many apprentices,

the familiar Old Master Yang, Teacher Yang Zhongyuan,

was one of Zhao Chenzhong's apprentices.

Old Master Yang has been making tea his whole life,

his strictness towards traditional techniques and quality is very rigorous.

The courtyard where he lives and the place where he makes tea must be cleaned meticulously.

Covers, containers, and all other tea-making tools are thoroughly washed after each use to avoid the growth of miscellaneous bacteria and affect the quality of the tea.

The furnishings and plants in his home are also arranged very neatly.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-6

△Old Master Yang, image source from the Internet

Despite having the skills, he could sell his tea slightly more expensively, but he did not expand production based on this; instead, he enjoyed it. Many well-known companies invited him to serve as an advisor or factory manager, but he was not particularly interested.

In Fengqing, we encountered a large tea factory owner complaining that they once invited Old Master Yang down the mountain to help make tea. After only a few days, Old Master Yang suddenly said it was raining and he needed to go back to harvest soybeans, leaving them to make the tea themselves, and ran back up the mountain.

In reality, he felt their requirements were inadequate, the selection of materials did not meet the standards, and he found it uninteresting, so he found an excuse to leave directly.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-7

△Old Master Yang, image source from the Internet

Old Master Yang would also make tea day and night, often not leaving the drying room until 5 am.

When Old Master Yang was in his later years, his health was already very poor.

But once he started making tea, his eyes would light up, and he would suddenly have strength.

This is a characteristic of that generation of tea makers,

they make tea out of pure, genuine love,

pouring their passion into it.

This is art,

not craftsmanship.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-8

△Old Master Yang, image source from the Internet

What does the inheritance of Fengqing Dianhong entail?

On the one hand, it is certainly this rigid and strict tea-making skill,

on the other hand,

it is the simple yet passionate emotion towards making good Dianhong.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-9

Aesthetic of Traditional Dianhong

Let us consider, under what conditions was Dianhong born, why was such a process chosen, and why was such an aesthetic created?

When major tea regions were developing vigorously due to the booming Pu'er tea market, diversifying and flourishing with complex aesthetics, Fengqing did not keep up with this wave of growth.

Fengqing Dianhong has always adhered to tradition, traditional ancient tree varieties, traditional standard processes, traditional stubbornness and rigor, and traditional enthusiasm and love.

The legacy of Fengqing Dianhong is not just a skill, but also the inheritance of simplicity and passionate emotion.-10

Although the current Dianhong market has given us space for diversity, this kind of taste should never be abandoned.

While it is inevitable that it gets diluted, those who understand such aesthetics and enjoy this flavor may not necessarily decrease in number, but because others have increased, it seems to have been diluted. However, someone must carry on this tradition.

Inheriting spirit, inher

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