The Amazing Benefits and Brewing Guide for Longan Flesh Tea

Health Benefits of Flesh

Longan flesh, also known as dragon eye flesh, is the fruit pulp inside longan fruit. Longans are renowned for their sweet and juicy taste and have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. Modern scientific research supports a variety of health benefits associated with them. Here are some of the primary health benefits of drinking longan flesh tea:

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Supplementing Qi and Nourishing Blood

Longan flesh is rich in iron and B vitamins, which can help supplement qi and nourish blood. For those who often feel tired, are anemic, or have insufficient qi and blood, longan flesh tea is a great choice. Drinking a cup of longan flesh tea can quickly boost energy levels and improve complexion.

Promoting Calmness and Assisting Sleep

Longan flesh has a calming effect and is particularly helpful for those suffering from insomnia or anxiety. Drinking a warm cup of longan flesh tea before bed can help you relax and enter a peaceful sleep.

Boosting Immunity

Longan flesh is rich in vitamin C and various antioxidants, which can help strengthen the immune system and prevent colds and other illnesses. Especially during seasonal changes and weather fluctuations, drinking longan flesh tea can better protect your health.

Moistening the Intestines and Relieving Constipation

Longan flesh contains abundant dietary fiber, which can help promote bowel movement and prevent constipation. For those with poor gastrointestinal function or frequent constipation, longan flesh tea is a gentle and effective way to regulate digestion.

How to Make Longan Flesh Tea

Making longan flesh tea is very simple and takes only a few minutes. Here are the detailed steps:

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Prepare Ingredients

The ingredients you need include: dried longan flesh (about 10-15 pieces), hot water (about 500 ml), and your preferred tea leaves (such as , , or flower tea). You can also add some wolfberries or jujubes according to personal taste.

Step One: Clean the Longan Flesh

Rinse the dried longan flesh with clean water to remove surface dust and impurities. If you're using fresh longan, simply peel and use the flesh.

Step Two: Soak the Longan Flesh

Place the washed longan flesh in a teapot or large cup and pour in an appropriate amount of hot water. Let it soak for about 5 minutes to fully release its sweetness and nutrients.

Step Three: Add Tea Leaves

Add an appropriate amount of tea leaves according to your taste. You can choose green tea, black tea, or flower tea, or mix several types of tea according to your preference. Let the tea leaves soak with the longan flesh for 2-3 minutes.

Step Four: Seasoning

If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add a small amount of honey or rock sugar. To enrich the tea, you can also add a few wolfberries or jujubes to further enhance its nutritional value.

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Step Five: Enjoy

Pour the tea into a cup and slowly savor this fragrant and sweet longan flesh tea. You will find that it not only tastes delightful but also brings double pleasure to both body and mind.

Variations and Combinations for Longan Flesh Tea

In addition to simple longan flesh tea, you can try different combinations and variations to make this tea more diverse and flavorful.

Longan and Jujube Tea

Both longan and jujube are excellent for nourishing blood and enhancing complexion. them together not only improves the taste but also enriches the nutrition. The brewing method is similar to that of longan flesh tea, just add a few jujubes when soaking the longan flesh.

Longan and Wolfberry Tea

Wolfberries have the benefits of improving eyesight and boosting immunity, and pairing them with longan flesh can better leverage the health benefits of both. You can add an appropriate amount of wolfberries to the longan flesh tea to make it more nourishing.

Longan and Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemums have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, improving eyesight, and reducing internal heat, making them suitable for summer consumption. Brewing chrysanthemums with longan flesh can counterbalance the sweetness of the longan and provide a refreshing taste.

Precautions When Drinking Longan Flesh Tea

Although longan flesh tea offers many benefits, there are some things to keep in mind when consuming it.

Drink in Moderation

While longan flesh is nutrient-rich, it has a high sugar content. Overconsumption may lead to elevated blood sugar levels, especially for diabetics. Generally, one to two cups per day is sufficient.

Storage Method

Dried longan flesh should be stored in a cool and dry place to avoid dampness. Prepared longan flesh tea should be consumed on the same day and should not be stored for too long to prevent spoilage.

Individual Differences

Everyone's constitution is different, and some people may be allergic to or intolerant of longan flesh. If you experience any discomfort after drinking longan flesh tea, stop drinking immediately and consult a doctor.


Longan flesh tea is not only easy to prepare but also offers numerous health benefits, making it a highly recommended tea. Whether you're looking to supplement qi and nourish blood, promote calmness and assist sleep, boost immunity, or relieve constipation, longan flesh tea can deliver unexpected results. Give it a try and let this fragrant and sweet tea add a touch of health and sweetness to your life.

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