A Few Taboos to Note When Drinking Tea

Tea contains various nutrients as well as caffeine, which has stimulating, diuretic, cardiostimulatory, muscle relaxation, and digestive aid effects. is an important part of many people's daily lives, but many may not be aware of the details and precautions involved. Here are ten key points to note when drinking tea, hoping to provide you with some assistance.

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A Few Taboos to Note When Drinking Tea

1. Avoid drinking moldy tea

Does it even need saying if it's already moldy? Moldy tea contains multiple mycotoxins that could seriously affect the functions of your internal organs, posing a significant risk to your health.

Many tea enthusiasts, who have stored their aged Banzhang for years, find themselves in a dilemma when it goes moldy, feeling heartbroken over losing both the tea and the money. Some still it, leading to stomach troubles. Therefore, no matter how good or expensive the tea is, once it becomes moldy, it should be discarded; it's not worth risking your health.

2. Avoid drinking tea left steeped for too long

No type of tea should be left in water for an extended period. Steeping for too long results in excessively concentrated tea, and substances that do not easily dissolve in water may also leach out, which can have adverse effects on your health. Therefore, even if the tea is of high quality, it should be brewed and consumed promptly, and the tea leaves should be separated from the tea infusion.

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3. Avoid drinking overnight tea

This issue is similar to asking whether leftover food from the previous night is edible. Even if it were safe to eat, nobody would want to. Tea that has been sitting for a long time often breeds and harbors large amounts of bacteria, much like spoiled food, which can irritate the digestive tract and cause inflammation. In general, any tea that has been left standing for a while is not recommended for consumption.

4. Avoid drinking scorched tea

Scorched tea refers to tea that has been overcooked during processing, resulting in charred edges and burnt spots on the leaves, giving off a burnt taste. Such tea loses its inherent nutritional value.

From both a sensory perspective and a health standpoint, scorched tea should be avoided. However, it can be useful for absorbing moisture in damp areas.

5. Avoid drinking tea that has absorbed foreign odors

Tea that has absorbed other odors during storage is referred to as having a mixed flavor. Tea readily absorbs odors and can easily pick up unwanted smells in environments with strong scents, diminishing its drinking value, especially if it absorbs toxic odors such as paint, camphor, or the mixed smell of a refrigerator. Long-term consumption of such tea can harm the respiratory system and cause allergic reactions.

Furthermore, nobody would want to drink tea with such pungent odors. Therefore, before drinking, carefully check if the tea has absorbed any foreign odors.

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6. Avoid drinking cold tea

Tea is best enjoyed warm. Cold tea can lead to stagnation of coldness and phlegm accumulation. Regular consumption can lower gastrointestinal immunity and trigger symptoms related to dampness and cold. Individuals with rheumatic pain, menstrual cramps, gout, chronic digestive disorders, gastritis, enteritis, migraines, pharyngitis, or low immunity should avoid drinking cold tea.

In addition, women with weaker constitutions should not only avoid cold tea but also . After all, indulging in the summer might prevent them from enjoying the winter.

7. Avoid drinking overly strong tea

Strong tea contains high levels of stimulating substances like caffeine and theobromine, which, when consumed excessively, can lead to , headaches, tinnitus, cardiac discomfort, and damage to the digestive system. A popular saying in Chinese folklore, “Mildly infused tea, drunk warm, is most nourishing,” emphasizes this point. There are many tea enthusiasts who prefer strong tea, but unless they are particularly robust, it is advisable to consume it less frequently.

8. Avoid drinking excessively hot tea

Excessively hot tea can strongly irritate the mouth, throat, esophagus, and stomach. Tea is typically brewed with very hot water, and many seasoned tea drinkers enjoy the sensation of “hot tea.”

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Studies have shown that beverages above 62°C can more easily damage the stomach lining and lead to gastric issues. Therefore, it is better to wait for the tea to cool down slightly before drinking it.

9. Avoid drinking tea on an empty stomach

Drinking tea on an empty stomach can affect the organs and stimulate the stomach and intestines, potentially causing loss of appetite and digestive problems. For those who do not regularly drink tea, consuming excessive quantities of strong tea on an empty stomach can easily lead to “tea drunkenness,” characterized by palpitations, dizziness, weakness in the limbs, and mental confusion.

If you experience tea drunkenness, eating something, sucking on candy, or drinking sugary water can help alleviate the symptoms. Regardless of the category of food, moderation is always key. While tea is a healthy beverage, it does not cure all ailments, and not everyone can consume it.

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