Cough and Phlegm Hard to Heal? Steep Tangerine Peel for Better Results

“An ounce of peel is worth an ounce of gold.” Many people recognize tangerine peel for its excellent properties in regulating qi and strengthening the spleen.

However, did you know that tangerine peel can also moisten the lungs and dissolve ?

Cough and Phlegm Hard to Heal? Steep Tangerine Peel for Better Results-1

Tangerine Peel Has Many Benefits

Tangerine peel is the dried mature peel of the fruit of reticulata and its cultivated varieties. It has a pungent, bitter, and warm nature and targets the spleen and lung meridians. It is effective in promoting the movement of qi to relieve fullness, drying dampness and transforming phlegm, as well as strengthening the spleen and harmonizing the middle. Tangerine peel is a prime example of a food and herb that can be used together.

The Song Dynasty's “Medical Narratives” states: “Tangerine peel broadens the diaphragm and descends qi, eliminates phlegm and expels cold, with remarkable effects. Most are more valuable when fresh, but this one is better when aged, and those from Dongting Lake are the best.” For conditions such as poor appetite, nausea, abdominal distension, and constipation caused by stagnation of spleen qi, tangerine peel can be incorporated into meals.

In treating coughs with cold or damp phlegm, tangerine peel also shows good performance. The classic Chinese formula for eliminating phlegm, “Er Chen Tang,” is composed of pinellia, tangerine peel, poria, licorice, ginger, and Chinese plum. If symptoms include coughing, excessive phlegm, chest tightness, and nausea, the formula can be adjusted and used based on diagnosis.

Modern pharmacological research indicates that tangerine peel contains volatile oils, hesperidin, nobiletin, flavonoids, alkaloids, and trace elements like potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, and strontium. It has anti-inflammatory, digestive, and expectorant effects among others.

Cough and Phlegm Hard to Heal? Steep Tangerine Peel for Better Results-2

Best Consumed Brewed

There are many ways to use tangerine peel in daily life. Below, we introduce common methods for steeping it in water.

01. Direct Brewing Method

Similar to brewing tea, take 3-5 grams of tangerine peel, break it into small pieces, and put it in a teacup (a covered cup can be used). Add boiling water and let it steep for one minute before discarding the liquid. This rinsing step is called “awakening the peel.”

Then, pour boiling water over it again, cover, and let it steep for about one minute. After another 3-5 minutes, it is ready to .

02. Boiling Method

When boiled at high temperatures, the nutrients in tangerine peel can be fully released, making them more easily absorbed by the body.

Take 3-5 grams of tangerine peel, wash it with clear water, and place it in a container. Add approximately 500 milliliters of cold water (mineral water is recommended), bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer for 5-10 minutes. It can then be consumed.

The longer it is boiled, the stronger the taste will be.


Tangerine peel used medicinally is divided into ordinary tangerine peel and superior tangerine peel. For drinking purposes, it is recommended to choose superior tangerine peel that is three years old or more because of its better taste and effectiveness.

Tangerine peel tea should not be consumed continuously over long periods, and the amount used each time should not be too large—3-5 grams is sufficient. This is because tangerine peel has a warming and drying nature that can promote heat accumulation.

Tangerine peel should not be prepared at home. Its preparation process is very complex, and improper handling can lead to mold growth or insect infestation, which can be detrimental to health.

Tangerine Peel Culinary Remedies

01. Tangerine Peel and Ginger Decoction

Ingredients: 10g ginger, 10g tangerine peel.

Method: Wash the ginger and cut it into slices; wash the tangerine peel and cut it into strips. Place both in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, and boil. Strain out the solids and drink the broth.

Benefits: This decoction comes from the “Jingui Yaolue” under the name “Ginger and Tangerine Peel Decoction.” Its effects are to relieve stagnation and stop vomiting, useful for treating dry heaves and cold extremities.

02. Tangerine Peel Braised Old Duck with Winter Melon

Ingredients: 600g old duck, 750g winter melon, 10g tangerine peel, 3 slices ginger, salt to taste.

Method: Clean and chop the duck into small pieces. Cut the winter melon into similar-sized pieces and place them in a clay pot. Add enough water, bring to a boil, skim off any scum, then add the tangerine peel and ginger. Simmer over low heat until the duck is tender, then season with salt.

Benefits: Old duck meat nourishes yin and replenishes deficiency, while winter melon clears heat and promotes urination. Together with tangerine peel, they work to strengthen the spleen, clear dampness, nourish yin, clear heat, and tonify the five organs.

03. Tangerine Peel Fried Eggs

Ingredients: 6g tangerine peel, 2 eggs, chopped ginger, chopped green onion, salt to taste.

Method: Roast the tangerine peel in a pan until crispy and grind it into a powder. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat them, and mix in the tangerine peel powder along with a little chopped ginger, chopped green onion, and salt. Mix well and pour the egg mixture into a hot oiled pan to fry until done.

Benefits: Eggs nourish essence and qi, moisten the lungs and throat, and moisturize dryness. Combined with tangerine peel, they serve to strengthen the spleen and qi and eliminate fullness and bloating.

04. Tangerine Peel Chicken

Ingredients: 600g deboned chicken, 15g tangerine peel, 15g each of scallions, ginger, and garlic, cooking wine, soy sauce, fine salt, sugar, Sichuan pepper, sesame oil, oil as needed.

Method: Clean the chicken and cut the meat into approximately 2cm cubes. Place them in a bowl, add scallions, ginger, cooking wine, salt, and soy sauce, and mix well to marinate. Cut the tangerine peel into small pieces, the scallions into small segments, and the ginger and garlic into slices. Heat oil in a wok over high heat, remove the scallions and ginger from the chicken, drain off excess moisture, and deep-fry the chicken until golden brown (about 5 minutes). Reheat the oil, add Sichuan pepper and tangerine peel and fry briefly until fragrant. Then add the chicken, a small amount of water, and simmer until the sauce thickens. Drizzle with a little sesame oil, cool, and serve.

Benefits: Chicken supplements essence and marrow, nourishes the five organs, and replenishes deficiency. Tangerine peel dries dampness, transforms phlegm, removes fishy odors, and stimulates the appetite. Together, they serve to strengthen the spleen and qi and replenish deficiency.

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