Four Suitable Groups for Xiaoxinggan Pu’er Tea

Xiaoxinggan, hard in texture and fragrant in aroma, has a strong spicy scent that can uplift the spirit upon closer sniffing. The peel is dark greenish-brown, and high-quality Xiaoxinggan 'er tea will have a “white bloom” on its surface. When tasting it, one experiences a refreshing sensation, with a sweet taste, and the blend of Xiaoxinggan and Pu'er has a rather bold flavor.

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The unripe peel (qingpi) is cold and intense in nature, and to avoid harm to the body, it should not be used alone. Xiaoxinggan Pu'er tea, made by combining the unripe peel with warm-natured ripe tea, has already neutralized much of the intensity of the Xiaoxinggan, making the tea relatively cool in nature. However, those who are physically weak, have poor or qi, or have liver or spleen issues should drink less of it. Children and the elderly, whose constitutions tend to be weaker, should also consume it sparingly.

The following four groups are most suitable for drinking this tea:

1. Those who consume foods that are high in calories and greasy may find the limonene in Xiaoxinggan Pu'er tea helpful in promoting the secretion of digestive juices, aiding digestion and reducing greasiness;

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2. Individuals with insufficient gastric acid secretion and weak digestive functions may also benefit from moderate consumption of Xiaoxinggan Pu'er tea to aid digestion;

3. People suffering from bloating or abdominal distension can benefit from drinking Xiaoxinggan Pu'er tea, as it helps expel accumulated gas in the intestines.

4. Those with a hot constitution can also drink Xiaoxinggan Pu'er tea to help clear heat, dampness, and ; the heat-clearing properties of Xiaoxinggan make it particularly suitable for hot weather to quench thirst and cool down.

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What does good Xiaoxinggan taste like?

1. Taste Judgment Criteria

A good Xiaoxinggan should have a correct aroma, a mellow and thick taste, a smooth entry into the mouth, and a wide path. After drinking, there should be a refreshing feeling in the mouth.

2. Ingredient Standards

A good Xiaoxinggan tea requires authentic ingredients: the citrus must come from Xinhui, , and the tea inside must be high-quality Yunnan Pu'er. Authentic citrus gives the tea a rich fruit aroma and a balanced bitter-sweet taste. Pure Yunnan Pu'er, especially high-quality ripe tea, provides the tea with a fragrant, mellow, smooth, and sweet taste. Only good citrus and good tea can produce good Xiaoxinggan tea.

3. Processing Standards

The processing method is the guarantee of Xiaoxinggan tea's taste. It is not simply a matter of packing Pu'er tea into the peel of Xiaoxinggan and drying it. The main steps in making Xiaoxinggan tea include: washing the citrus, removing the flesh, air-drying, sun-drying (to dry the inside), filling with tea, and final drying.

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The selection of materials for Xiaoxinggan is very particular. Xiaoxinggan uses “underage” Xinhui citrus harvested in July, which has a higher content of essential oils and a stronger citrus flavor. There are strict standards for the size and weight of the citrus fruits used to make Xiaoxinggan. The diameter of the fruit should reach 4.5-5 cm and the fruit should weigh around 50-60 grams to meet the picking requirements. Fruits that are too large or too small are unsuitable for making Xiaoxinggan. An improper ratio of peel to tea can result in significant differences in taste.

4. Aged Xiaoxinggan Has Better Taste

Xiaoxinggan, like Pu'er tea, has the characteristic of aging well. Under proper storage conditions, it can improve in aroma and flavor over time.

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