Anhua Black Tea’s Eight Key Benefits

Anhua Black is a type of dark tea, which is a post-fermented tea. Its main products include Fu Brick Tea, Black Brick Tea, Hua Brick Tea, Qing Brick Tea, and Xiangtian (Xiang pointed tea). Anhua Black Tea belongs to the category of dark teas and has benefits such as providing dietary nutrients, lowering blood pressure, aiding digestion, reducing grease, and regulating the gastrointestinal system.

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Anhua Black Tea's Nine Key Benefits

Benefit 1: Supplementing Dietary Nutrition: Anhua Black Tea contains a rich array of nutrients, primarily vitamins and minerals, along with proteins, amino acids, and carbohydrates. Anhua Black Tea can also be an important source of essential minerals and various vitamins.

Benefit 2: Assisting Digestion, Reducing Grease, Regulating the Gastrointestinal System: The , vitamins, amino acids, and phospholipids in Anhua Black Tea help with digestion, regulate fat metabolism, and the stimulating effect of caffeine increases gastric acid secretion, thereby enhancing appetite and aiding digestion.

Benefit 3: Lowering Blood Pressure: Anhua Black Tea effectively reduces fat, inhibits blood clotting, promotes fibrinogen dissolution, and relaxes the walls of blood vessels, increasing their effective diameter. This inhibits the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the aorta and coronary arteries, achieving the effects of lowering blood pressure, softening blood vessels, and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

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Benefit 4: Beneficial for Dental Health and Vision

Tea contains high levels of fluoride, with about 10 to 15 milligrams per 100 grams of dry tea leaves, and 80% of this fluoride is water-soluble. If one 10 grams of tea leaves daily, they would absorb 1 to 1.5 milligrams of water-soluble fluoride. Since tea is an alkaline beverage, it can help prevent calcium loss in the body, which is beneficial for preventing tooth decay, maintaining dental health, and strengthening teeth. According to relevant data, a “post-meal tea rinse” experiment conducted among elementary school students reduced the incidence of tooth decay by 80%. Additionally, according to surveys by medical institutions, among patients with cataracts, those with a habit of accounted for *** while those without the habit accounted for ***. This is because the vitamin C and other components in tea can reduce the opacity of the eye's lens. Regular tea consumption is helpful in reducing eye diseases and improving vision.

Benefit 5: Improving Carbohydrate Metabolism, Lowering Blood Sugar, Preventing and Treating Diabetes

The polysaccharide complexes in Anhua Black Tea are the primary components responsible for lowering blood sugar. Polysaccharide complexes, often referred to as tea polysaccharides, are complex mixtures with varying compositions. The results of determining the percentage of tea polysaccharides in different types of tea show that Anhua Black Tea has the highest percentage and stronger activity compared to other types of tea. This is due to the action of glycosidases, proteases, and hydrolases during fermentation, resulting in shorter sugar chains and peptide chains. Shorter peptide chains are more easily absorbed and have stronger biological activity. This may be one reason why fermented teas, especially Anhua Black Tea, have a better effect on lowering blood sugar compared to other types of tea.

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Benefit 6: Lowering Lipids, Losing Weight, Softening Blood Vessels, and Preventing Cardiovascular Diseases

Elevated lipid levels can lead to the deposition of lipids on the walls of blood vessels, causing atherosclerosis and thrombosis. Anhua Black Tea has good effects in reducing fat, inhibiting blood clotting, promoting fibrinogen dissolution, and significantly inhibiting platelet aggregation. It also relaxes the walls of blood vessels, increasing their effective diameter. This helps achieve the goals of lowering blood pressure, softening blood vessels, and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Epidemiological studies conducted in regions where Anhua Black Tea is heavily consumed, such as Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Qinghai, show that long-term consumption of Anhua Black Tea can improve blood lipids, blood sugar, blood pressure, and vascular health, as well as effectively control weight and body shape.

Benefit 7: Antioxidant Activity, Delaying Aging, Prolonging Life

The free radical theory of aging suggests that under normal physiological conditions, free radicals are continuously produced and eliminated, maintaining a balance. Anhua Black Tea not only contains abundant antioxidants such as catechins, tea pigments, flavonoids, vitamin C, vitamin E, and β-carotene but also includes a large amount of trace elements with antioxidant properties, such as zinc, manganese, copper (an SOD component), and selenium (a GSHPX component). The catechins, theaflavins, , and tea polysaccharides in Anhua Black Tea, particularly the complex flavonoids present in high amounts, all have the ability to clear metabolic waste, thus exhibiting antioxidant and anti-aging effects.

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Benefit 8: Antibacterial and Anti-inflammatory

The main components of Anhua Black Tea's tea liquor color are theaflavins and thearubigins. Studies have shown that theaflavins are not only effective free radical scavengers and antioxidants but also have significant antibacterial effects against Clostridium botulinum, enterobacteria, Staphylococcus aureus, capsulated bacteria, and Bacillus cereus. Furthermore, theaflavins have inhibitory effects against influenza virus invasion and rotavirus and enterovirus infections.

In summary, clinical evidence shows that Anhua Black Tea has functions such as reducing grease, treating bloating, relieving diarrhea, eliminating fat, quenching thirst, refreshing the mind, regulating the digestive system, and improving digestion. Long-term consumption has good effects on lowering blood pressure, lipids, and blood sugar, as well as enhancing the resilience of capillaries. The most notable benefits of Anhua Black Tea are its ability to “scrape oil” and lower the “three highs” (high blood pressure, high blood lipids, and high blood sugar), and it has unique preventive and therapeutic effects on gastrointestinal issues.

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