Dengcun Green Tea

Dengcun Green Tea-1

Basic Introduction to Dengcun

The Dengcun Township of Yichang County, Hubei Province is located on the north bank of the Xiling Gorge of the Yangtze River, only 23 kilometers away from the site of the world-renowned Three Gorges Dam. The Dengcun tea grows on the slopes at an altitude of 800-1200 meters in this mountainous area and is a famous tea-producing region in Hubei Province. Due to its high altitude and large temperature difference between day and night, coupled with the hydro-meteorological effects of the Yangtze River and its water system, the mountains are often shrouded in mist and clouds, with abundant rainfall and fertile soil. This provides a unique and advantageous ecological environment for growing high-quality tea. Therefore, the quality of Dengcun tea is very excellent. According to tests conducted by the Ministry of Agriculture's Tea Quality Testing Center, the amino acid content in Dengcun tea reaches 5.76%, and the ratio of polyphenols to amino acids is appropriate, making it an ideal base for producing premium tea. Yichang Dengcun is one of China's oldest tea-growing regions. In his seminal work “The Classic of Tea,” the “Tea Sage” Lu Yu of the compared tea qualities across the country and deemed the tea from Xiazhou (Yichang) to be the best, giving high praise to the tea from Dengcun, Yichang.

Nutritional Value


Helps to slow down aging. Tea polyphenols have strong antioxidant properties and physiological activity, acting as scavengers of free radicals harmful to the human body. Research has shown that 1 milligram of tea polyphenols can eliminate the same amount of free radicals as 9 micrograms of superoxide dismutase, far more effective than other similar substances. Tea polyphenols can block lipid peroxidation reactions and deactivate active enzymes. According to the test results of Dr. Akira Okuda from Japan, the anti-aging effect of tea polyphenols is 18 times stronger than that of vitamin E.

Inhibits Diseases

Helps to inhibit cardiovascular diseases. Tea polyphenols play a significant role in human fat metabolism. High levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body can lead to fatty deposits on the inner walls of blood vessels and the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, resulting in arteriosclerotic plaques and other cardiovascular diseases. Tea polyphenols, especially catechins such as ECG and EGC and their oxidation products like theaflavins, help to suppress the formation of these plaques, reduce the concentration of fibrinogen that increases blood coagulation viscosity, and make the blood clearer, thus inhibiting arteriosclerosis.


Helps to prevent and fight cancer. Tea polyphenols can block the synthesis of various carcinogens such as nitrosamines in the body and directly kill cancer cells while boosting the body's immune function. According to available data, tea polyphenols can help prevent and assist in the treatment of multiple types of cancers, including gastric and colorectal cancer.

Protects Against Radiation

Helps to prevent and treat radiation damage. Tea polyphenols and their oxidized products have the ability to absorb the toxic effects of radioactive substances like strontium-90 and cobalt-60. According to clinical trials conducted by medical departments, tea extracts are effective in treating mild radiation sickness in patients undergoing radiotherapy, with an efficacy rate of over 90%. For aplastic anemia, the effective rate of treatment using tea extracts is 81.7%. It is even more effective in treating leukopenia caused by radiation exposure.

Antiviral and Antibacterial

Helps to inhibit and resist viruses and bacteria. Tea polyphenols have a strong effect and can significantly inhibit and kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses, having a marked effect on inflammation and diarrhea. Many medical units in China have used tea preparations to treat acute and chronic dysentery, amoebic dysentery, and influenza, achieving cure rates of around 90%.

Beauty and Skin Care

Helps with beauty and skin care. Tea polyphenols are water-soluble substances. Washing your face with them can remove facial grease, tighten pores, and have disinfectant, sterilizing, anti-aging, and UV-blocking effects on the skin.

Stimulates Mental Clarity

Helps to stimulate mental clarity. in tea can stimulate the central nervous system, enhancing brain activity and providing a stimulating and refreshing effect. It can also help alleviate migraines.

Diuretic and Fatigue Relief

Helps with diuresis and fatigue relief. The caffeine in tea can stimulate the kidneys, promoting rapid excretion of urine and increasing the filtration rate of the kidneys, reducing the time harmful substances remain in the kidneys. Caffeine can also eliminate excessive lactic acid in urine, helping the body recover from fatigue faster.

Fatigue Relief

Green tea contains potent antioxidants and vitamin C, which not only help clear free radicals in the body but also promote the secretion of hormones that counteract stress and tension. The small amount of caffeine in green tea can stimulate the central nervous system and invigorate the spirit. For this reason, we recommend drinking green tea in the morning to avoid affecting .

Dental Health and Vision Improvement

Helps with dental health and vision improvement. The fluoride content in tea is relatively high, ranging from 10 to 15 mg per 100 grams of dry tea leaves, with 80% being water-soluble. Drinking 10 grams of tea per day allows the absorption of 1-1.5 mg of water-soluble fluoride. Since tea is an alkaline beverage, it can help prevent calcium loss in the body, which is beneficial for preventing tooth decay, maintaining dental health, and strengthening teeth. Trials involving schoolchildren who rinse their mouths with tea after drinking it have shown an 80% reduction in cavities. Among patients with cataracts, 28.6% had the habit of drinking tea, while 71.4% did not. This is because the vitamin C and other components in tea can reduce the turbidity of the eye lens. Regular tea consumption can help reduce eye diseases and maintain good vision.

Lipid Lowering

Helps lower lipids and aid digestion. In the Tang Dynasty's “Supplement to the Materia Medica,” there is a record stating that long-term consumption of tea can cause weight loss. In border areas of our country, ethnic minorities have the saying, “One cannot go a single day without tea.” This is because tea helps digestion and lowers fat levels, which in modern terms means it can help with “weight loss.” This is due to the fact that the caffeine in tea can increase the secretion of gastric juice, aiding digestion.

Product Characteristics

A long history of tea production and advanced machinery have enabled the people of Dengcun to develop a complete and scientific tea-making process, cultivating a team of skilled modern tea makers. The produced Dengcun stir-fried green tea has a tightly twisted, heavy appearance, a lustrous green color, a lingering chestnut aroma, a bright yellow-green liquor, a rich taste, and a bright green leaf bottom. It is a well-regarded and high-quality variety of stir-fried green tea, highly favored by consumers in various regions.

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