Summer Drinks: These Teas Help Beat the Heat and Reduce Dampness!

“Nourish Yang in spring and summer, and Yin in autumn and winter.”

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), once we enter spring and summer, it's the time for our body's Yang energy to rise. While “purging fire,” we also need “clearing and tonifying.” It's okay to have some cold food during hot weather, but we shouldn't overindulge as it can deplete our Yang energy.

In the height of summer to beat the heat, it is advisable to “use heat to counteract heat.” Hot is the best beverage to cool down on a hot day.

Summer Drinks: These Teas Help Beat the Heat and Reduce Dampness!-1

Today, I'm sharing 11 teas that help you beat the summer heat, reduce dampness, and are perfect for summertime:

1/ Honey Pomelo Tea

Honey pomelo tea combines the benefits of pomelo, honey, and black or green tea.

Pomelo is rich in vitamin C, which helps alleviate melanin buildup. Its peel acts as a natural fragrance, refreshing the air. A cup of honey pomelo tea can lift your mood and relax your body and mind.


Jasmine tea is great for calming the nerves.

A cup in the drowsy afternoon can invigorate the spirit, clear heat and relieve summer heat, strengthen the spleen and calm the mind, transform dampness, ease digestive discomfort, and improve beauty and complexion.

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3/ Chrysanthemum Tea

Chrysanthemum has the effect of clearing and improving vision, relieving sore throat, and reducing swelling. It's particularly suitable for drinking in spring and summer.

There are yellow and white chrysanthemums available in the market, with similar effects. White chrysanthemum is generally used for clearing liver and improving vision, while yellow chrysanthemum is usually used for dispersing wind heat. Choose according to your needs when brewing tea.

4/ Ginger Green Tea

As the saying goes, “Eat radishes in winter and ginger in summer.”

Sudden diarrhea caused by eating cold foods, preventing air conditioning-related illnesses, and other issues can be alleviated by drinking ginger green tea: wash fresh ginger with the skin on, slice it, and brew it with green tea using hot water. Drink after three minutes.

5/ Honeysuckle Tea

Honeysuckle has a sweet and cold nature and can clear heat and detoxify, as well as relieve swelling and pain.

For symptoms like liver fire, gastric heat causing bad breath, and frequent acne, drinking honeysuckle tea can provide relief. However, people with cold stomachs or those who experience acid reflux easily should avoid it.

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6/ Dried Tangerine Peel Tea

Dried tangerine peel has three main benefits: it promotes the flow of Qi throughout the organs, transforms dampness, and harmonizes the spleen and stomach.

For ailments involving “Qi” and “dampness,” such as excessive phlegm from coughing, chest tightness, and indigestion, you can steep some dried tangerine peel along with or Pu'er ripe tea for regulation.

7/ Mint Green Tea

Mint, commonly known as “Silver Dancao,” disperses wind heat and clears the throat.

Add a few mint leaves to green tea to prevent and relieve a sore throat and to soothe the liver and resolve stagnation. However, don't add too much, as it's cooling and drinking too much can cause gastric discomfort.

8/ Rose Tea

Rose petals have a slightly warm nature, and moderate consumption is beneficial for both body and mind.

It can promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation, soothe the liver and regulate Qi, transform dampness, and harmonize. Adding one or two rose petals to tea can help improve dry skin and alleviate depression and stress.

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9/ Winter Melon Black Tea

The peel of winter melon tastes sweet and is cool in nature, suitable for use in summer or for people with a hot constitution to clear heat and promote urination.

On hot days, drinking too much water can lead to edema due to dampness and heat. You can make use of leftover winter melon peels at home, wash them, boil them in water, and add a little bit of black tea if desired.

10/ Jasmine Lotus Leaf Tea

Lotus leaf has the effect of relieving summer heat, promoting urination, strengthening the spleen, and raising Yang.

During summer, heat can lead to poor appetite. Steep 6 grams of dried lotus leaf with 3 grams of green tea and 3 grams of jasmine flowers in water. Boil together for about five minutes before drinking.

11/ Job's Tears and Berry Tea

Job's tears has diuretic, edema-reducing, and spleen-strengthening effects.

Wash Job's tears, then lightly roast it in a pan without oil until fragrant. Steep an appropriate amount of goji berries, roasted Job's tears, and 1 gram of green or black tea for five minutes before drinking.

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All 11 of these tea recipes use common ingredients that are easy to obtain, making it convenient for you to quickly prepare a cup of heat-clearing, heat-relieving tea.

I hope everyone finds their favorite summer tea among these options, one that suits their needs.

No matter where you are or how busy you are, don't forget to enjoy a healthy cup of tea!

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