How to Drink Tea Healthily? Follow the Four Principles of “Early, Less, Mild, and Warm”

Tea is a traditional beverage in our country. It contains large amounts of tannic acid, tea alkaloids, caffeine, and small quantities of aromatic oils, chlorophyll, multiple vitamins, and other nutrients.

in moderation can invigorate the mind and body, quench thirst, eliminate dampness and heat, and alleviate illnesses, all of which are greatly beneficial to human health.

So how should one healthily? Follow the four principles of “early, less, mild, and warm”!

How to Drink Tea Healthily? Follow the Four Principles of

01 Early

The best time to drink tea is in the morning. After a night's metabolism, the body has consumed a lot of , and the concentration of the blood is high.

Drinking a cup of mild tea not only replenishes fluids but also dilutes the blood and prevents damage to the gastric mucosa.

Tea is rich in caffeine, which has an exciting effect, keeping the mind alert, and this effect lasts for some time.

If tea is consumed in the afternoon or evening, it may cause insomnia at night, which could have a negative impact on health, especially with newly harvested green tea, which has a strong stimulating effect.

How to Drink Tea Healthily? Follow the Four Principles of

02 Less

The best amount of tea to drink is in small quantities. A large volume of liquid entering the bloodstream can increase the burden on the heart, and the caffeine and tea alkaloids in tea are stimulants that can speed up the heartbeat and elevate blood pressure.

If too much tea is consumed, symptoms such as palpitations and chest tightness may occur.

Additionally, drinking a large amount of tea can dilute gastric juices, reducing their concentration, leading to indigestion, bloating, and abdominal pain, especially for those with duodenal ulcers who should drink less tea.

How to Drink Tea Healthily? Follow the Four Principles of

03 Mild

The best way to drink tea is to do so in moderation. Tannic acid in tea can react with elements in food, forming new substances that are difficult to dissolve.

After consuming a large amount of strong tea, the interaction between tannic acid and iron will be more active, hindering the body's absorption of iron.

In addition, tannic acid can combine with proteins in food to form a blocky substance called tannate protein, which is difficult to digest and absorb and can be hard to expel from the body.

How to Drink Tea Healthily? Follow the Four Principles of

04 Warm

The best temperature for tea is warm. Experiments have shown that drinking warm tea can help reduce the body's “heatiness” due to the cooling properties of tea and assist in its excretion through urine.

Avoid drinking cold or excessively hot tea. Drinking cold tea does not clear heat and phlegm but can instead harm the spleen and and contribute to phlegm accumulation.

Drinking excessively hot tea that scalds the mouth can strongly stimulate the throat, esophagus, and stomach, potentially causing mucosal lesions in these organs.

How to Drink Tea Healthily? Follow the Four Principles of

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