For the Sake of Your Kidneys, Please Stop Drinking Tea This Way!

Tea, low in sugar content, contains beneficial components such as amino acids, vitamins, and tea polyphenols, which are beneficial to human health. However, every coin has two sides, and the principle of ‘too much of anything is bad' applies here too. If tea is consumed improperly, it can have adverse effects on the body.

For the Sake of Your Kidneys, Please Stop Drinking Tea This Way!-1

Drinking tea can help reduce the occurrence of kidney stones, a fact that many tea enthusiasts are familiar with. However, drinking tea incorrectly not only fails to protect your kidneys but can also harm them. If you find yourself in any of the following situations, we advise you to avoid them to prevent damage to your health.

Drinking tea while consuming alcohol can harm your kidneys.

Some believe that drinking strong tea after alcohol consumption can help sober up, but this is a misconception. Drinking tea alone will not harm your kidneys, but if you while consuming alcohol or use strong tea to sober up, there is a risk of kidney damage.

This is because when alcohol enters the liver, it is broken down into water and carbon dioxide through enzymatic action and then excreted by the kidneys. Theobromine in tea has a diuretic effect. The theobromine in tea can cause unmetabolized acetaldehyde to enter the kidneys prematurely, and acetaldehyde can be very harmful to the kidneys.

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Excessive tea consumption can harm your kidneys.

According to Professor Tou Youying from Zhejiang University's Department of Tea Science, in her book “Tea and Health,” the recommended daily tea consumption for adults is usually between 5-15 grams of dry tea leaves. The volume of brewed tea consumed per day can be controlled within 400-1500 ml.

Fluoride is present in tea, and excessive tea consumption can harm the kidneys. The reason is that the kidneys are the primary organs responsible for the excretion of fluoride. Excessive tea consumption can lead to an accumulation of fluoride in the kidneys, causing damage.

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Drinking tea on an empty stomach can harm your kidneys.

Some people have the habit of drinking tea on an empty stomach right after waking up in the morning. However, tea contains a large amount of , which can significantly stimulate and invigorate the body, potentially accelerating heart rate and causing palpitations. Additionally, it can increase urine output, putting additional strain on the kidneys. In severe cases, this can impair kidney function and affect overall health.

Therefore, tea lovers should remember not to tea on an empty stomach. Instead, they can start their day by drinking some plain water before having tea.

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Regularly drinking strong tea can harm your kidneys.

Tea is rich in oxalic acid, and regularly consuming strong tea can lead to high oxalate levels, which can form calcium oxalate stones in the urinary tract, causing kidney stones.

Moreover, drinking excessively strong tea can increase the frequency of urination, placing extra strain on the kidneys, potentially leading to kidney damage. Therefore, it is better to drink lightly brewed tea in daily life, which is more beneficial to health.

For the Sake of Your Kidneys, Please Stop Drinking Tea This Way!-5

The saying goes, “Rome wasn't built in a day,” often overlooking these small details can lead to greater harm. For our health, we hope everyone can avoid these misconceptions and develop good tea-drinking habits.

Kidney Care Tips for Daily Life

1. Deep Sleep at Night, Short Nap at Noon

Sleep is very important for the kidneys, so it is essential to establish a routine of going to bed early and waking up early. “Sleeping at night and napping at noon” refers to falling asleep before midnight (from 11 PM to 1 AM) and taking a short nap during the noon (from 11 AM to 1 PM). Getting adequate sleep at night and taking a brief 30-minute nap at noon can ensure the production of qi and blood and maintain the health of the kidneys.

To improve sleep quality, consider the following methods:

● Engage in quiet activities like sitting still or taking a leisurely walk before bedtime.

● Slow down your breathing rhythm. It's best to perform a few minutes of calming exercises in bed to achieve mental tranquility.

● Eat a small amount of food that nourishes the heart yin before bed, such as donkey-hide gelatin, lily, jujube, honey, and wolfberry.

● Soak your feet in warm water before bedtime.

2. Balanced Diet

According to , “Nourish yang in spring and summer, and nourish yin in autumn and winter.” During the spring, nourishing yang can be achieved by the principle of “reducing sour and increasing sweet,” meaning reducing the intake of sour foods and increasing the intake of sweet foods, especially sweet vegetables like pumpkin, hyacinth bean, long beans, spinach, carrots, and taro. One can also consume warm and spicy vegetables to nourish yang, such as leeks, garlic, onions, ginger, and leek.

In addition, cold foods or beverages can damage yang qi, so they should be avoided as much as possible in one's diet. During winter, pay attention to keeping warm to prevent depletion of the original yang qi stored in the kidneys.

At the same time, it's also necessary to include some cooling and heat-clearing or foods to prevent over-nourishment of yang qi, which could be detrimental to health.

3. Moderate Exercise

Maintain a weekly exercise routine, including activities like walking, swimming, and playing ball games, all of which contribute to better health.

4. Focus on Disease Prevention and Moderation in Activities

Infections can lower the body's immunity, thus increasing the burden on the kidneys. Therefore, it's important to take preventive measures in daily life and pay attention to maintaining good health. Additionally, practice moderation in sexual activity to preserve essence and avoid excessive salt and meat intake.

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