Puer Tea: When is the Best Time to Drink It During the Day?

In daily life, drinking Puer tea in moderation can have excellent health benefits. It can refresh and invigorate, as well as aid in weight loss. When drinking Puer tea, it's important to understand the appropriate methods and timing. Drinking improperly or excessively can have adverse effects on health. Drinking a little Puer tea in the morning can help energize and clear the intestines. Drinking some in the afternoon can boost immunity and improve work efficiency.

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When is the best time to Puer tea during the day?

1. Drinking Puer Tea in the Morning

After a night's sleep, the body has lost a lot of water. Drinking a of light tea in the morning can quickly replenish the body's water needs, cleanse the intestines, lower blood pressure, and be highly beneficial for overall health.

In the morning, it is advisable to drink black tea, as it promotes circulation and removes coldness from the body, ensuring adequate blood supply to the brain. It can also be consumed with milk.

When in the morning, two points should be noted: First, drink only after breakfast. Second, avoid strong tea; opt for a lighter brew instead.

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2. Drinking Puer Tea in the Afternoon

The term “afternoon tea” is often heard, suggesting that the afternoon is a recognized good time for tea. Drinking tea in the afternoon can help regulate the body, enhance resistance, and effectively prevent colds.

In the afternoon, green or oolong tea is recommended. Generally, liver heat is at its peak during this time, and green or oolong tea can alleviate these symptoms. Oolong and green teas can cool the liver and gallbladder, aid in weight loss, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and protect against cancer. They are also rich in tea polyphenols, which have significant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

3. Drinking Puer Tea in the Evening

There is often a misunderstanding about drinking tea in the evening, with some saying it's bad for health and can cause insomnia. However, this isn't necessarily true. Around 8:30 pm, the immune system is most active. Drinking a cup of ripe Puer tea at this time won't affect sleep but can play a role in repairing and restoring the immune system and regenerating cells.

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When drinking tea in the evening, two points should be noted: First, avoid strong tea; opt for a lighter brew. Second, drink in moderation, not excessively.

4. What Type of Puer Tea Should You Drink Throughout the Day?

Drink ripe Puer in the morning. Ripe Puer, processed through artificial fermentation, is mild and non-irritating, and can also protect the stomach.

Drink raw Puer in the afternoon. Tannins in tea are closely related to fat . Drinking raw Puer in the afternoon can quench thirst, aid , reduce fat, and eliminate fatigue, making it conducive to afternoon work.

Drink aged ripe Puer in the evening. In the evening, the body's yang energy returns inward, and the qi descends, especially after a day of tiring work when the mind and spirit need to be nurtured and restored. Aged ripe Puer, after fermentation processing, forms a soft membrane that adheres to the surface of the stomach, aiding digestion, warming the stomach, and promoting peaceful sleep.

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