What Tea Should You Drink in Autumn for Optimal Health?

After the onset of autumn, the body's physiological activities change in accordance with the natural environment. Particular attention should be paid to regulating clothing, diet, living conditions, and physical activity.

Clothing refers to the principle of “spring covering and autumn cooling.” Although it gets cooler in autumn, do not rush to add more clothes; allow your body to adapt within reasonable limits. Living conditions should include a reasonable schedule. During the autumn, when the air is clear and dry, it is advisable to go to bed early and rise early. It is not recommended to stay indoors all day or sleep with your head covered at night. Windows should be kept open to ensure good indoor ventilation.

Physical activity means that autumn is the golden season for strengthening your body through exercise. This helps improve joint and blood circulation flexibility and enhances the body's resistance to disease. Additionally, cold resistance training can help the body adapt to changing weather conditions.

A healthy lifestyle includes one tea, two fruits, three porridges, four soups, five vegetables, six meats, seven grains, and eight medicinal foods. Let's follow this order, starting with the first chapter on drinking tea in autumn.

advocates living in harmony with the seasons, and drinking tea is an excellent way to maintain health. However, to benefit from tea, it is important to the right type at the right time.

What Tea Should You Drink in Autumn for Optimal Health?-1

1. Lung Moistening and Drought Prevention – Oolong Teas (Da Hong Pao, Tie Guan Yin, Dancong)

Oolong tea is a semi-fermented tea that lies between green and black teas. Its mild nature neither warms nor cools the body significantly. It has strong antibacterial properties and can effectively prevent respiratory infections.

The beneficial components in oolong tea, such as tea polyphenols, iron, and calcium minerals, make it more effective than plain water in hydrating and moisturizing. It also provides significant relief from the discomforts of autumn, helping women replenish moisture internally.

Oolong tea has a rich aroma that effectively combats fatigue. Summer is a time for nurturing yang energy, while autumn is for nurturing yin. After the high-energy state of summer, the body often needs to recover, which can lead to feelings of fatigue and weakness in autumn. Recent studies have shown that the sense of smell plays a vital role in maintaining health.

The aroma of oolong tea is its greatest highlight, being both fresh and fragrant. Whether it's Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao, or Dancong, the scent invigorates the mind and spirit. The aroma of oolong tea acts on the brain through olfaction, alleviating mental and physical fatigue.

What Tea Should You Drink in Autumn for Optimal Health?-2

Snow Pear Oolong Tea Ingredients: 5g of oolong tea, 1 snow pear, honey to taste.

Method: Place the oolong tea in a cup and pour boiling water over it. After about 5 minutes, add the pear juice (after peeling and juicing the pear) and honey. Stir well before drinking.

Efficacy: Helps relieve cough and moisturize the lungs. It is suitable for dry cough caused by autumnal dryness.

2. Combatting the Autumn Blues – Flowering Teas (, Lavender, Platycodon)

In autumn, people are prone to melancholy, pessimism, despair, and depression. Affected by these emotions, there may be a lack of appetite and poor sleep quality. Drinking a cup of can immediately lift the spirits, calming the mind and relieving depression.

Lavender tea can uplift the mood, having the dual benefits of relaxing digestive spasms and easing gastrointestinal bloating. It also soothes anxiety and migraines, promoting restful sleep. Drinking it after meals or before bedtime is highly beneficial.

If you don't mind making some effort, you can prepare a soothing platycodon tea. Simply place 10g of platycodon and honey to taste in a cup, then pour boiling water over it. Wait for 5-10 minutes before enjoying.

In addition, the pleasant autumn weather offers a great opportunity for physical exercise, which can help alleviate negative emotions and build up energy for winter.

3. Goodbye to Autumn Weight Gain – Dark Teas (Ripe Pu'er, Liubao)

As the weather cools down, we tend to eat more without realizing it, leading to weight gain. For those who are already overweight, this can be particularly concerning. Dark teas, which undergo artificial fermentation, contain microorganisms and beneficial bacteria that act as intestinal cleansers, aiding digestion and detoxification.

Scientific research has confirmed that long-term consumption of dark teas can reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, aiding in weight management.

Dark Tea with Additives

• With Honey: Long-term consumption can help prevent colds.

What Tea Should You Drink in Autumn for Optimal Health?-3

• With Dried Flowers: Such as rose, jasmine, chrysanthemum, osmanthus, and lavender, which enhance the tea's aroma and have skin-nourishing and beautifying effects.

• With Citrus Peel: Helps with phlegm, smooths the breath, and relieves coughing.

The human body requires 86 trace elements, 28 of which are found in tea. With the cool autumn weather and improved appetite, it's tempting to indulge in heavier foods like beef and lamb, barbecues, and hot pot, but neglecting the lingering summer humidity and the dryness of autumn can lead to illness. Choosing the right tea based on individual needs can promote health and well-being.

For those who consume meat frequently and develop an acidic constitution lacking in vitamin C, stronger alkaline teas such as oolong, brick tea, and Pu'er can aid digestion and stimulate the appetite.

Women looking to maintain their beauty can opt for flowering teas. Made with fresh flowers, these teas have unique fragrances. For instance, roses have excellent beautifying and anti-aging effects, making them the top choice for women in autumn.

What Tea Should You Drink in Autumn for Optimal Health?-4

Green tea clears heat and has a slightly cool nature. As it is not fermented, it should not be stored for long periods. Therefore, try to choose newly produced tea each year. Avoid pairing it with other cool foods like fruit, as this could harm the spleen and stomach.

Those with a naturally thin physique should avoid strong teas and opt for chrysanthemum tea instead. People who are thin are more prone to internal heat and yin deficiency, which can lead to dry mouth and throat pain. The caffeine in tea has a diuretic effect, and consuming strong tea can accelerate dehydration, exacerbating the symptoms of thin individuals.

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