Can Children Drink Tea? A Must-Read for Parents

is a common practice for adults. However, in daily life, we rarely see children drinking tea. Many parents allow their children to drink regular soft drinks and carbonated beverages but seldom permit them to drink tea.

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Zhu Haiyan, Director of the Horticultural Culture Research and Dissemination Center at the College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture at Hunan Agricultural University, explains that there are two main reasons why we seldom see children drinking tea in everyday life. Firstly, children do not like the bitter taste of tea. More importantly, people believe that tea has a certain stimulating effect which may be detrimental to children's growth and development, potentially harming their spleen and stomach.

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In fact, these views are one-sided. “Scientifically speaking, drinking safe and hygienic tea, without consuming it too strong, can bring many benefits to children,” Zhu Haiyan says.

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Firstly, moderate tea consumption helps to reduce fat and promote weight loss.

According to relevant surveys, more than one-fifth of school-aged children in major cities in China suffer from varying degrees of nutritional excess, leading to numerous cases of obese children and those with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels, severely affecting their physical and mental development. The International Journal of Obesity predicts that by 2020, one-fifth of Chinese children will be overweight.

“Moderate tea consumption by children can help to reduce fat and promote a healthy body,” Zhu Haiyan says.

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Additionally, tea contains various inorganic minerals such as , potassium, copper, zinc, and selenium, as well as organic compounds including proteins, amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates, and vitamins. These can provide some essential nutrients required for children's growth and development, preventing certain diseases.

Moreover, drinking tea can prevent tooth decay and protect children's vision.

Tea contains a high amount of fluoride, and together with the bactericidal properties of tea polyphenols, it can effectively prevent tooth decay.

Zhu Haiyan explains that the fluoride content in tea is higher than in other plants, with containing more fluoride than black tea, and older teas having more fluoride than younger ones.

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Approximately two-thirds of the fluoride dissolves into the tea when it is brewed.

When the fluoride in the tea comes into contact with the teeth, fluoride ions penetrate the hard tissues of the teeth, enhancing their resistance to acid and decay.

“Rinsing with tea water or chewing on tea leaves after meals also has a preventive effect against tooth decay,” Zhu Haiyan says.

Furthermore, drinking tea can supplement insufficient , preventing gum bleeding; the carotene in tea can protect children's vision.

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However, there are some restrictions on children drinking tea. Experts advise that because children's organs such as the heart, brain, and kidneys are not fully developed and have different metabolic characteristics compared to adults, parents should pay attention to the following points when giving children tea:

1. Daily intake should not exceed 2-3 small cups

2. Each cup should contain 0.5g – 2g of tea

3. Strong tea should be avoided

4. The timing of tea consumption should be controlled

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This is because the tannins in tea easily combine with in food to form insoluble complexes, affecting children's absorption of iron. Additionally, strong tea can stimulate the stomach lining, causing the gastric mucosa to contract and the gastric juice to become diluted, impacting digestive function.

Moreover, tea contains a relatively high amount of tannic acid, which can bind with calcium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc to form insoluble compounds, hindering the body's absorption of these minerals. Therefore, when children drink tea, the strength and timing should be carefully controlled.

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In summary, drinking tea offers many benefits for children, but while beneficial, moderation is key. Paying attention to the restrictions on children's tea consumption will help ensure that this habit benefits them in the best possible way.

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