Nine “Luxurious” Tea-Drinking Behaviors – Do You Have Any of Them?

Tea drinking, much like drinking, can be addictive. Once you experience the joy, you might find yourself engrossed in certain behaviors without even realizing it.


How many of these apply to you?

Stockpiling tea

The desire to stockpile tea is similar to the urge to stockpile groceries.

When you finally manage to buy some, why not stock up a bit more? What if it becomes unavailable later on? Or what if the price goes up? And so, you end up with…

more tea than you can drink.


Buying various teaware

A good horse deserves a good saddle, and fine tea deserves beautiful teaware.

Longjing tea should be paired with a celadon porcelain , Houqiu with a simple Sung-style glass bottle, and rock tea wouldn't be complete without a set of gongfu tea ware… Before you know it, your collection of cups and pots has grown exponentially.


Your storage cabinet is filled with all sorts of teaware of different shapes, materials, and styles. In a way, these collections represent the various moods of the tea drinker.

Feeling an itch to try new teas

Chinese tea has strong regional characteristics, and the same leaf can produce countless flavors.

For tea lovers, choosing a tea can be difficult. When faced with a tea they haven't tried before, they often can't resist the temptation.

“Would you like to give it a try?”


“Wow, this tea is great!”

“Right? Let me tell you more about our tea…”

“How about… some more?”

“—Alright then.”

This is how wallets get thinner.

Creating a designated tea-drinking space at home

After becoming a tea drinker, setting aside a space for sitting, , and chatting gets quietly added to the list of plans when decorating your home.


Immersing oneself in various tea rooms

In old Suzhou, there was a term: “incubating” in a tea house, which is truly apt!

Drinking tea isn't just an action; it's an immersive experience that engages multiple senses, including smell, sight, and taste. Old Suzhou residents would enjoy tea, conversation, and storytelling in tea houses, deriving endless pleasure from it.

Modern tea rooms offer even more diverse functions and appealing scenes, making them a regular destination for tea enthusiasts.

This place has nice scenery; that one has delicious snacks; another has a beautiful and gentle tea artist… There's always a legitimate reason to spend half a day “incubating” in a tea room.


Tea gets more expensive over time

Have you ever felt that after drinking high-quality tea, lower-quality tea becomes unpalatable?

The more tea you drink, the more refined your palate becomes, allowing you to quickly discern quality. Your requirements for taste and flavor only grow higher.

As a result, the tea you drink tends to become more expensive. Although price doesn't always directly correlate with quality, it's undeniable that good tea isn't cheap.


Becoming increasingly meticulous about tea storage

At first, you learn to store tea by category, such as keeping in the fridge.

Then, as you accumulate more tea, you acquire a small refrigerator specifically for tea storage.

Finally, to accommodate various types of tea, you dedicate an air-conditioned room…

Making tea eggs becomes a refined activity

What type of tea pairs best with the perfect tea egg? So, you secretly experiment with black tea, green tea, oolong, Pu'er… Just don't let Mom find out.

To Mom, tea eggs are only fit for last year's aged tea!


Becoming obsessed with health and wellness

Using a thermos with goji berries is just the beginning. Various foot baths, acupressure massages, and remedies for dampness are added to the list of things to try.

However, your lifestyle also becomes more regulated, with a move away from greasy foods and an attempt to wake up and go to bed early…


While tea drinking is often associated with the behavior of retired officials, an increasing number of young people are changing their habits and trying traditional pure teas.

Tea acts as a gateway, like the lens of a kaleidoscope, guiding tea drinkers to discover beauty and create a sense of ritual in their lives.

From this perspective, such “luxury” might not be so bad after all.

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