How to Brew Delicious Pu’er Tea in a 240cc Purple Clay Pot? — A Detailed Guide on Tea Quantity

Brewing Pu'er requires the right choice of clay pot and tea quantity. A 240cc purple clay pot is a common choice because of its moderate size, suitable for individual or small group consumption. This article will detail how to delicious Pu'er tea in a 240cc purple clay pot and explore the optimal tea quantity.

How to Brew Delicious Pu'er Tea in a 240cc Purple Clay Pot? — A Detailed Guide on Tea Quantity-1

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The Perfect Match: Purple Clay Pot and Pu'er Tea

Purple clay pots are preferred for brewing Pu'er tea due to their unique material and breathability. They preserve the original aroma of the tea without absorbing its flavor, ensuring each brewing yields pure tea fragrance. The 240cc purple clay pot has a moderate capacity that prevents dilution due to excess water or over-concentration from too little water.

Tea Quantity for Pu'er Tea

For a 240cc purple clay pot, the tea quantity is generally between 8 and 10 grams. This range is relatively flexible and can be adjusted according to personal . If you prefer a stronger flavor, increase the tea quantity; conversely, reduce it for a milder taste.

Specifically, beginners can start with 8 grams and gradually find their ideal tea quantity. Too much tea will make the overly strong, affecting the taste; too little will result in a bland infusion.

How to Brew Delicious Pu'er Tea in a 240cc Purple Clay Pot? — A Detailed Guide on Tea Quantity-2

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Detailed Steps for Brewing Tea

Brewing good Pu'er tea is not just about the tea quantity; the brewing steps are equally important. Here are detailed steps for brewing Pu'er tea:

1. Warming the Pot

Before brewing, rinse the purple clay pot with boiling water to evenly heat the pot body, which helps to stimulate the aroma of the tea leaves.

2. Adding the Tea

Place 8 to 10 grams of Pu'er tea leaves into the purple clay pot.

3. Washing the Tea

Pour a small amount of boiling water into the pot, gently shake it, and then quickly discard the water. This step is known as “washing the tea,” primarily to remove impurities from the surface of the leaves.

4. First Infusion

Refill the pot with boiling water, typically around 95°C, cover it, and steep for approximately 10 seconds before pouring out the tea. The first infusion time is shorter to stimulate the tea's aroma.

5. Subsequent Infusions

For subsequent infusions, gradually increase the steeping time after each addition of water, such as 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds, etc. Adjust the pouring-out time based on your taste until the tea flavor becomes lighter.

How to Brew Delicious Pu'er Tea in a 240cc Purple Clay Pot? — A Detailed Guide on Tea Quantity-3

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Brewing Tips

1. Water quality significantly affects brewing. It is recommended to use purified water or mountain spring water.

2. A 240cc purple clay pot is suitable for small groups. If brewing for one person, reduce the tea quantity or choose a smaller pot.

3. Pu'er tea is robust and can withstand multiple infusions, with each yielding different layers of aroma.


In a 240cc purple clay pot, a tea quantity of 8 to 10 grams is a good choice for brewing Pu'er tea. With the proper tea quantity and correct brewing steps, you can easily brew a fragrant and rich Pu'er tea. Brewing tea is not only a skill but also a way to enjoy life. May every tea enthusiast find joy in it.

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