Why Does Tea Taste Watery?

When brewing tea, you may occasionally encounter a situation where the taste is prominent. What causes this? It is mainly due to the impact of water on the tea brewing process. So what effects do water quality and water temperature have on tea brewing?

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Why does tea have a strong water taste when brewed? Here are some reasons:

1. Hard Water Quality

The hardness of the water affects the solubility of compounds in the tea leaves. Soft water has a higher solubility, resulting in a stronger tea flavor.

Hard water contains more , magnesium ions, and minerals, leading to lower solubility and thus a weaker tea flavor. Therefore, we should try to choose soft water and avoid using high-hardness water like well water for tea brewing.

2. Low Water Temperature

The solubility of tea is proportional to the water temperature. If the water temperature used for brewing is too low, the amount of compounds dissolved from the tea leaves will be small, leading to an insufficient tea flavor and a more pronounced water taste.

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There's no need to overly worry about high temperatures destroying vitamins in tea, as the stability of vitamins in tea is relatively high, and the actual loss at high temperatures is limited.

3. Weather Conditions During

Spring tea processed during rainy periods often has a watery taste. The more rain there is in a year, the more likely it is to result in a tea with a strong water taste.

4. Moisture-Affected Tea Leaves

Tea that is not dried thoroughly during processing, or stored in a damp environment, can also result in a strong water taste. This issue often improves after being left in a dry environment for some time.

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5. Inadequate Waking Up of Tea

Waking up the tea: This refers to the process of awakening dormant or sealed tea leaves by exposing them to air and moisture, allowing them to absorb the vitality of the environment and reawaken their essence for brewing. Different types of tea require different waking-up methods. When brewing dark tea, , and black tea, the method involves removing the tea from storage and placing it in a brewing vessel, then using boiling water (100°C) to wake it up. For greener teas like green tea, white tea, and yellow tea, which are usually refrigerated, the method involves taking them out of refrigeration and placing them in a brewing vessel that has been preheated with boiling water, then using water around 85°C to wake them up.

The extent to which the tea is awakened plays a decisive role in the expression of its intrinsic qualities throughout the brewing process, directly impacting subsequent infusions. If the tea is not sufficiently awakened, the first few brews may exhibit a strong water taste.

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6. Incorrect Water Technique

If water is poured too slowly in one spot, the compounds within the tea leaves cannot dissolve properly with the water, causing separation of the tea and water. Adjusting the pouring speed or changing the pouring method can improve this situation.

Sometimes, we might misunderstand a good cup of tea due to incorrect brewing techniques. However, once we understand the reasons behind these issues, we can make targeted adjustments and improvements. Let's take care to brew every cup of tea to its fullest potential!

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