How to Brew and Properly Store Pu’er Tea Cakes

Pu'er cakes are compressed into the shape of a cake, commonly known as Pu'er tea cakes. Pu'er tea is often stored and transported in the form of compressed cakes; historically, one cake weighed 357 grams, with seven cakes making up one bundle for ease of calculation and transportation by mules.

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How to Properly Unpack a Pu'er Tea Cake

Pu'er tea cakes are layered, so to unpack them without breaking them apart, you need to use the right tools: a tea knife and a tea pick. The method is as follows: Stand the tea cake upright and choose a looser spot on it. Insert the tea knife parallel to the surface of the cake, gently levering it, and repeat this process to break the tea cake apart neatly.

The method for opening a tea cake: Because the way tea cakes are made is quite unique, special attention should be paid to keeping their integrity when opening them. Hold the tea needle and follow the texture of the tea cake, inserting it along the edge, one needle at a time, maintaining the integrity of the pressed pattern. After going around the cake with the needle, you can peel off a ring of the tea cake from the surface.

Then, continue following the pressing pattern of the cake, inserting the needle repeatedly if necessary. Avoid using force after each insertion, as this can easily cause the tea to break and shatter, which would affect the aroma and freshness when .

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How to Properly Brew Pu'er Tea Cakes

1. Unpacking the Tea

Use a Pu'er tea cake and a specialized knife to find a loose spot on the cake and gently pry some off.

2. Preparing the Tea

Select a porcelain gaiwan and place about 8 grams of tea into your brewing vessel.

3. Rinsing the Tea

Pour boiling water over the tea and quickly pour out the liquid. This awakens the flavors of the tea and cleanses any impurities.

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4. Brewing the Tea

Adjust according to your preferences. For new tea drinkers, use a slightly smaller amount of tea. Use mineral or purified water. The water temperature should be 100°C but not too hot. Pour the water down the side of the vessel, trying not to disturb the leaves at the bottom to avoid scalding the fresh leaves and affecting the freshness of the tea. Discard the first rinse or use it to wash the cups. The steeping time for the first infusion should be around 5 seconds. For the first five infusions, keep the steeping time at 5 seconds, then gradually increase by 5-10 seconds for each subsequent infusion.

5. Tasting the Tea

Pour the brewed tea into a sharing pitcher and then into small porcelain cups to savor its aroma and taste.

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How Long Can Pu'er Tea Cakes Be Stored?

Pu'er tea cakes have a shelf life of 10 to 20 years. Pu'er tea is made from large-leaf produced in specific areas of Yunnan Province and is a type of tea that undergoes post-fermentation, either as loose tea or . According to the GB/T22111-2008 standards, it can be stored for a long period, but it is generally recommended to store it for 10 to 20 years to reach its optimal tasting period. After this period, the flavor may start to decline.

Pu'er tea is one of China's top ten famous teas. If stored properly, Pu'er tea cakes can last more than 10 years, and potentially even longer, due to the ongoing post-fermentation process. For high-quality Pu'er tea, the longer it is stored, the better its flavor becomes, although there will be some aging and a slight loss of freshness. However, if stored improperly, the shelf life will be shortened, and the tea may become moldy or spoiled.

When storing Pu'er tea cakes, avoid damp or excessively warm environments, and maintain a temperature between 20°C to 30°C. Also, prevent the tea from being exposed to odors that might cause it to absorb unwanted smells. Alternatively, you can seal the tea and store it in the refrigerator.

If storage conditions are not suitable or not scientifically managed, the quality will inevitably decrease. Even high-quality Pu'er tea, if stored indefinitely, will eventually lose its beneficial components through decomposition and oxidation, diminishing its distinctive flavors.

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How Long Can Fermented Pu'er Tea Be Stored?

Fermented Pu'er tea is a type of tea that has undergone fermentation and is favored by tea enthusiasts for its unique aged fragrance and weight-loss benefits. However, the shelf life of fermented Pu'er tea is a common concern among tea lovers. The shelf life of fermented Pu'er tea is influenced by various factors, so no specific number can be given, but under proper storage conditions, it can be preserved for several years, even more than a decade, with the tea still retaining its rich flavor and aroma.

The shelf life of Pu'er tea varies depending on the type of tea. For example, Pu'er tea from Yunnan Province can be stored for 10 to 20 years. Raw tea can be kept for 10 to 25 years without issue, while can be stored for 8 to 15 years without problem.

Generally, tea is best when fresh. For instance, the shelf life of green tea at room temperature is usually around one year. The shelf life of Wuyi rock tea is typically 2 to 3 years, depending on the degree of roasting and storage conditions. The shelf life of black tea should not exceed three years. Factors that primarily affect the quality of tea include temperature, light, and humidity. If stored properly, reducing or eliminating these factors, the tea can be preserved for an extended period.

When storing tea at home, pay attention to the methods used. Pu'er tea requires good ventilation and a clean environment, avoiding dampness and strong odors.

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